Where did the sheep get tap shoes????
Monday, June 26, 2006
So, I made my decision. As of July 14, I will no longer be employed with my current company. I am moving on to bigger and better (and lower-paying) things with my new job...starting July 17! This is very exciting. I think I have everything worked out so that I can get by. So we shall see....
Saturday, June 24, 2006
I think I forgot about this blog thing...
But then again, Livejournal is just so much more convenient...I can monitor who reads the damn thing.
Sigh. Anyway...
So just an fyi - my life really sucks right now.
For those of you who talk to me at all, whether it be on a regular basis or through email or blogger or livejournal or myspace or whatever, be it as it may...you know I hate my job. Those of you who know what it is that I do at my top-secret job know even more WHY I hate my job...because really, who WOULDN'T hate my job?? Anyway, cryptic, cryptic. And no, I'm still not revealing what it is I do at my job right now.
But, I got a fantastic job offer that sounds much more exciting. I have a 2.5 mile communte each way, making a 5 mile commute per day...leading to a 25-30 mile commute a WEEK instead of a 50 mile commute both ways each DAY.
But things may not pan out quite the way I'd like.
I have until Monday to respond to this job offer.
Oh, and did I mention it's in my field...that being the MUSIC field???
A job in the music field that sounds way more interesting...and yours truly may have to turn it down.
So, let's hope some sort of miracle works itself out by Monday...
Wednesday, June 14, 2006
Bout time for an update, eh chaps?
Right, this thing is still on. Though barely....lol. There have just been so many other things to do (or not do) that updating has been on the back burner. Sorry. There have been posts to the livejournal though, but not much there either I'm afraid. And for those of you new to the whole livejournal thing, you've got to be a member to read my locked entries (but it's free!). I'm not picky about who I add to my friends list just so long as I know who's reading my LJ. I know, there are down sides to everything...but c'est la vie. :)
Anyway, so what's new?
Well there's a new and exciting prospect on the very near frontier. I won't go into details here until everything's said and done, but it has to do with a certain Appleton music store of the highest caliber...I won't elaborate further but keep your fingers crossed!
Next, my friend Leah Ann moved to North Carolina yesterday. That's very sad. I'm happy for her though because she gets to live with her husband now (finally). But still. North Carolina? That makes her my 2nd furthest friend. Okay, I lied. My 4th furthest friend. Beaten out only by Wilbur in California and the Dions in Westfield MA. But I digress. Anyway, so best of luck to them but sad that she'll live so far. Addendum: Okay, I lied again. She will be my 5th furthest friend. Gina is by far the farthest in France. Unless it's maybe James in England. But anyway...:)
Last weekend was Milwaukee fun again, this time for the wedding of my very oldest friend (we've been friends since we were babies, no joke). And aside from my failure to read the invitation that said to bring a picture of Kevin and/or Claire until the day before because damn that picture of him dressed up in my clothes at age 6 or so would have been hella funny, it was a good time. I mean, aside from the fact that it was indeed outside. And it was very windy. And the bride is Baha'i, so there was no drinking at the reception. And did I mention that the only person I knew besides the family of the groom and my parents was my ex-boyfriend?? And let's not forget to mention that there were 2 hours to kill between the ceremony and the reception where everyone seemed to think it would be a fantastic idea for me, my parents, Andy, my stupid ex-boyfriend (Chris, for future reference) and his girlfriend to go to the same bar. Now, for those of you just tuning in, to say that Chris and I dislike each other is an understatement. In fact, prior to last weekend, we hadn't talked for three years! So things were, shall we say, strained. But what better way to deal with shitty situations than to get beligerently drunk??? Just because the reception was dry didn't mean I was going to be sober when we got there. I downed my first drink in the matter of minutes, and while I was standing up at the bar waiting to buy my second drink, I was fuming and swearing and just being shall we say, generally unhappy that Chris was there (another understatement, hahaha). The more sober I was, the more angry I also was. The solution: more drinking!!!!!!!!!!!! After another shot, I was half in the bag (I may have mentioned before that my tolerance is shot, but that's a good thing). My mom was saying something about Chris blah blah blah and she was like "it's not a bad thing that he's here"
Me (drunkenly slurring): Of course it's a bad thing he's here! He's the last person I want to see ever!
Mom: Lauren, sometime you need to put the past behind you...
Me: Mother, I am fine with putting the past behind me. As long as the other party involved in the past is going to at least acknowledge that I exist. Like, if I'm addressing him, it would be nice to have him not be looking away...
Mom: Maybe you need another drink.
Me: Yeah, I definitely think so. I'll be right back.
A few minutes later I was standing at the bar waiting for the bartender, and my dad comes up and says he's buying my drink for me. In my drunken stupidity (who argues when someone offers to buy you a drink besides me), I ask why, and he said because your mother and I think we should.
Aha, so if you're hanging out with exes, people will buy you drinks to cut the tension. Gooooooooooooooood times.
Anyway, so the reception time rolls around and I'm thinking that this whole hanging out with the ex is going to end because the groom sure as hell knows not to put me and Chris in the same room, but I think the bride did the seating arrangements, because sure as hell, we all ended up at the same table....and eventually the drunkenness wore off, and sadly there was no more liquor with which to make the pissiness go away...
Oh well, how many other times have you spend upwards of five hours with someone you don't particularly like too much (dripping sarcasm right here).
And just for the record girls, how many of you, when you meet your boyfriend's ex girlfriend (well, maybe she didn't know who I actually was) do you start telling them all your personal problems?? HONESTLY! I don't KNOW you, therefore I don't particularly CARE all that terribly much. But some people....
But if one good thing came out of me sitting with my ex for far too long, I did come out wondering "what the fuck did I see in him for over four years????"
And I don't know. But I'm sure he thinks I'm a drunk. :)

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