Where did the sheep get tap shoes????
Thursday, March 31, 2005
Schmormal, now that's a word!
Well, the application deadline was over 24 hours ago, and I've deemed all three of the applicants (Paul, Jenny, and Emily) to have won. Why? Because I don't think any of them can actually go to formal! Which leaves me back at square one...
Stupid daylight savings time! Regardless of whether it is formal night or not, I highly detest daylight savings time!!! My sleep is in short demand as it is...;)
I have gotten two postcards from Florida in the past two days. Granted, I definitely hinted, but I didn't expect two! Woohoo for my aunt and my grandma!! :)
So...um, last minute formal pleas??? :) Anyone, anyone? Bueller, Bueller??
Oh! And it slightly worries me that my "Top 25 most Played Songs" on my iPod include such songs as Kelly Clarkson's Since You've Been Gone, Pat McCurdy's Screw You, three Beach Boys songs, a few Beatles songs, and MMMBop?????? *shudders*
And am I the last person on the face of the planet to discover that Paul McCartney is holding an English horn on the cover of Sergeant Pepper's???
And why does everyone seem to think that my freshman formal date looked like a priest????
Wednesday, March 30, 2005
What a day, what a day...
Yikes. It's now 1:02am on Wednesday. I just got back from Rodman about 30 minutes ago. Eep. I finished practicing and looked at the clock - 12:15. Yikes. Rodman is scary late at night. Especially by yourself...
It was quite the day on Tuesday.
Woke up super early (blah!), went to class, went to lunch, sort-of did homework, went to class again (found out it's cancelled on Thursday! my week is officially over as of 12:00 on Thursday! yay! I can work on sem! Wait....), came back here.
A routine email check turned into the discovery that someone had hacked into my ebay account, so I spent 1.5 hours trying to fix that up (with a fair share of PANICKING! and lots of hyperventilating!). Damn you, computer hacker!! I hope you die a painful death! That was too much high blood pressure and unnecessary stress, thank you. As if I don't have enough stress already. Egad. Nothing like opening up your email and finding out that the $925 golf cart auction has been successfully posted, and that your username and password have been changed, as well as a lot of personal information. Gah! Luckily, thanks to Fletch M, the fraud help guy, everything was straightened out. If I ever catch the person who did it though...*shakes fist* ;)
Yish. Well, after that excitement, I tried to relax, but was far too wired. Luckily, a few hours of work, and a few hours of practicing helped me cool off. Now I'm friggin' tired. What a day, what a day...

Tuesday, March 29, 2005
Happy Tuesday!
For once, despite the 'getting up early' thing, I can say 'happy tuesday!' Why?? Because it's already friggin 55 degrees out, and the high is supposed to be 67! YAY! *grins* I *heart* nice weather!!!
Of course, hopefully, the ho chi minh trail will have dried up, because I have all intentions of wearing sandals again, and really don't want to be watching every other step only to end up with soggy jeans and sandals anyway...:) That was an amusing walk...
Sat around and yapped till midnight or so with Travis and Claudi - god, I'm getting old. I'm getting old because midnight was the point in which I was tired. Yes! Me! Tired! Ack!
In about an hour, I get to learn how to play oboe! Gee, I thought I'd never learn. What with a recital coming up and all that...good thing I'll know how to play. :)
Yay! Jump has a blog!
Not that they're going to Milwaukee any time soon...damn!!
And, I leave you with an amusing column from the Journal Sentinel - about how Wisconsin is going to drive us crazy!
Monday, March 28, 2005
Dear warm(ish) weather,
Please don't go away! Please stay here...it's beautiful AND nice out!!! If it stays warm(ish) - hell, gets warmer, I will be happy! It will make Ripon at least bearable!!!
So, 50 degree weather, don't go away!
Well, have to grab a shower before work!! Boo Mondays! (but there is no sem tonight, so it will be shorter! huzzah!)
Sunday, March 27, 2005
I suck at Geography!!!!
But I took the geography olympics quiz, courtesy of Erin...but alas, I only got 60%. However, I actually had Kazakhstan as one of the countries!! SCORE! And I got it right, too!!!
It's good that I got it right, because otherwise I would have cried. :)
Back in Ripon....*yawn*
Just got back about 45 minutes ago. Sigh. I so do not want to be here. I know, the end is in sight, eh? Totally. I just don't want to have to wait until the end. I would rather read my books and watch my movies and hang out with people and not do homework!
Lunch was SO good today. God, it was fabulous to eat a good lunch for once! Yay for food! Made me miss the usual Easter gathering with my dad's family though. Oh well. It was a bitch getting up this morning though - blah!
19 days till senior sem is due!
50 days until graduation!
I know I am so ready to graduate!! Post graduation, not sure! But getting out of here - definitely. It's not that I don't like Ripon anymore...okay, I lied. I hate Ripon. But now it's not so much that I hate it, as I just don't see its appeal anymore. I'm tired of living in a town that shuts down at 11pm. I'm tired of living in a dorm and sharing my bathroom. I miss the city! I miss the excitement! I'm tired of getting paid once a month and having it all go towards cell phone bills and food and boring stuff (with the occasional movie or trip to the mall). Yes. I'm ready to be done. I will want to be back within about a month of getting done...just kidding. I hope. :)
The good news, however, is that the "Easter Bunny" brought me Ray. I'm so excited! I like getting movies about musicians, even though that makes me a nerd. In the meantime, it's Easter, hence, It's the Easter Beagle, Charlie Brown ought be watched. :)
p.s. has anyone figured out where my comment saying came from??? :)
Gack. Happy Easter tomorrow (it is just past midnight on Saturday night, hence)!
I made plans to leave Ripon at 11, but that turned into 12, and 12 turned into 1:15 before I was on the road. I managed to get stuck behind Ma-and-Pa-Kettle-out-for-their-Saturday-afternoon-drive-on-Highway-23 again. Ohboy, that was fun...lemme tell ya (*swears*). I set cruise at 60, and was able to stay at 60 for approximately 15 yards before Ma-and-Pa-Kettle decided to keep their speed constant too - well, somewhere between 53 and 60, anyway (*swears more*). The radio stations were horrible, again.
Overall not a bad drive. Lots of traffic though, but I like driving, so it was okay. I wish I'd thought to ask Ben or Greg if they needed a ride home sometime before last night, because then I would have had company aside from the bad radio stations. Oh well.
Taped - shit, AM taping - SNL tonight, repeat of Keane performance *runs to turn off VCR* I watched the performance of Everybody's Changing, though, and I think they cut it short. Bastards.
Had an oh-so-exciting afternoon. Hung out at home. Parents made dinner (finally!). Went to Mayfair, met up with Jenny (Jhenny!) and her boyfriend to give her the English horn and chat for a while. Went to Barnes and Noble, bought two new books (neither of which I will have time to read until at least April 25) - Fab Wisdom for Everyday Life: the Beatles Way and The Good, the Bad, and the Mad: Some Weird People in American History (god, even my fun books are NERDY!), and then to Best Buy of doom (Mayfair Road - self-explanatory!) to get The Pretender! (can not type. am deleting every other friggin letter. good lord. help!). Then came home, watched Princess Diaries 2, and some of SNL, and now am writing blog, checking email (dial up of DOOM!) and henceforth going to bed.
What an exciting day! Wheeeeeeeeeeeeee!
Oh. Losers. Get on the formal date applications. :) This is just your friendly reminder. Or 2nd warning. Whichever. See below for application. :)
And have a good Easter!
(my easter is already infinitely better than last year - hooray! left house, did not sit on couch and cry, and have henceforth slept through the night. well, sort-of, but it can be blamed on fact that i had a roommate last night, and i slept on my loft, of which i spent half the night worrying i would fall off). :)
*cough - formal date application - cough*
Friday, March 25, 2005
I was becoming more and more frustrated with Ripon today...so I deemed the best therapy to leave. Not permanently (even for the weekend) yet, but temporarily. Soon I found myself on Hwy 49 heading towards Berlin. I had all intention of driving to Redgranite by way of the back roads, but I was detained in Berlin by my need for laundry detergent as well as the ever-growing price of gas. Laundry detergent, Easter card, and R-rated movie M*A*S*H (yes, the movie!) in hand, I approached the checkout. It must have been M*A*S*H that wouldn't scan until I proved I was of age - age being 17. 17???? I can totally sympathize with the cashier, but do I really look only 17??? Last I checked, I was 21, and I'll be 22 in *checks calendar - lol* 3.5 months! Groan. Talk about a downer. :)
I was ready to go home after church tonight, but I'm letting Travis' girlfriend Claudi stay with me tonight, so, no home. But, that's okay. Even though I miss my bed!! And, of course, my cats, especially my poor little scrawny Bear. God, she's getting so old. I *heart* my kitty!
Oh, and happy Easter, in advance. Cheers to this one already being better than last year! :) I'm headed back to Shorewood tomorrow AM - hooray! My parents better cook for me this weekend, last weekend when I was at home, I made two of my meals, we went to Oakland Trattoria for one (no complaints), and the last one was sandwiches. BLAH! :)
I'm still bummed about the Panthers losing (damn you Tom!), but GO BADGERS!!! At least one of my Wisconsin teams is going to the Elite Eight...nevertheless, I'm more sentimentally tied to UWM, being that I have lived about 10 blocks away for much of my life. :) Oh well.
Anyway, submit your formal date application (see below)!!! :) Teehee!
Thursday, March 24, 2005
Formal Date Application Time!
Wow...last formal date application I will ever be putting out!! :( Kind of sad.
Oh well, I'm over it.
Formal is on April 2...but I need to have a date by March 30. Hence, I am submitting out formal date applications now! :)
I encourage anyone to apply. Heck, you should even apply if there is no possible chance you could go! (please specify on application). :) Applications will be reviewed on March 29 (so you have until then ... that's what, 5 days from now?) and the winner will be announced on March 30. :)

So, without any further adieu...

Formal Date Application for Lauren - Spring 2005

1. Full Name:
2. Age:
3. Zodiac Sign (some are more compatible than others, but will not affect outcome):
4. Occupation/Job/Schooling (one or more please):
5. Reasons you would like to go to formal?
6. Reasons you would like to go to formal with Lauren?
7. Do you like to dance, or do you prefer to sit around talking and drinking?
8. Can you actually go to formal? (will not affect outcome):

For questions 5 and 6, please submit no more than 8 sentences. :)

Please submit by Tuesday, March 29, 2005 at 11:59 CST

Wednesday, March 23, 2005
This blog has become such a part of my life, I am lax to let it go! Okay. I'm brainstorming ideas with what to do with it. Those of you who are friends on my livejournal are well aware of why I was quitting this blog...
I do have another blog right now, but I haven't brought myself to write anything more than a test...bah! No, I'm not going to give away said address, either!
Now, what should I do with this??

A) Stay with this blog
B) Move to other blog
C) Move to livejournal
D) Quit blogging altogether
E) Other
F) Who cares?

So...let me know. I won't post again until I get significant results. Oh, and if you go with choice B, I will have to figure out another way to let you know my blog address because I am not going to, if I can help it!, have it posted all over cyberspace!
Oh, and if you took the quiz and found it challenging, try this one on for size!

Take my Quiz on QuizYourFriends.com!
(trust me. It's different. And MUCH harder, and MUCH more random...and most of you will get lucky simply by guessing. hehehehehe)
Better luck the first time??? :)

UWM Panthers play tomorrow! Hooray!! I know the odds are that they will lose, but c'mon! It's UWM! They were a 12th seed, and they beat TWO REALLY GOOD TEAMS to make it THIS FAR!!! How can I NOT be excited about tomorrow's game??
GO UWM PANTHERS!!!!!!!!!!!
(i was down on the east side of milwaukee on saturday after uwm beat boston, it was CRAAAAAAAAAAAAAZY! it was impossible not to get excited about uwm!!!)
I said I was done, but it occured to me that if I don't post this here, nobody will take it! Poop!

Take my Quiz on QuizYourFriends.com!

Good luck! :)
Tuesday, March 22, 2005
Okay, I'm not done...
...but I'm not posting here anymore. This is, henceforth, my last post here. I have migrated to two new places: a friends only livejournal...
And I have also started up a new blog. I'm going to see which one is more popular.
If you're interested in the new blog (which is not friends-only), either email me, or leave a comment and I'll email you, or go to my livejournal and leave a comment, or something.
Either way, *sniff*...I'm sad to see this blog go. :(
Monday, March 21, 2005
I'm done.
Helping support haloscan was probably the stupidest thing I've ever done, because I think it just sealed the fact that something would go terribly wrong, and it did.
So, no more blog.
Maybe a livejournal, but that will be continually in friends-only mode...so...
Sunday, March 20, 2005
Holy wow...
SO do NOT want to be back in Ripon. I know, only gone for what, like a day? Cripes. I had so tentatively made plans to go to Fremont for Easter, but stupid me, TOTALLY forgot to bring home the English whore on Friday, so I have to bring it home THIS weekend because I have to give it to Jhenny so she can play in the SWE concert AND my recital. Monkeys. Easter is going to be SO boring.
Speaking of boring things, the drive back was SO boring. I was bored from the minute I hit Hwy 145. Actually I was bored even before then. And it was SO busy. I must have run into like, four instances of Ma-and-Pa-Kettle-out-for-their-Sunday-drive-on-fucking-NATIONAL-HIGHWAY-41! Hey! That's what RURAL HIGHWAYS ARE FOR!!! It was SUCH A LONG DRIVE TODAY! Which is ridiculous, because I can make it in like, 1.5 hours. But today I was SO BORED! I just didn't want to drive back tomorrow morning, because I would have had to leave around 9am so I could be to work by 11. The idea of getting up early to drive 1.5 hours in the morning before a long day of class, lessons, and work just didn't sound like too much fun. Bah. Another night in my BIG COMFY BED would have been nice though. As well as more time with the Dead Cat (aka Bear). :( She spent hours sitting in my lap all weekend. I miss my cat. Boo...
And seriously! It was like BAD MUSIC the ENTIRE WAY BACK! I switched between FOUR stations and ALL of them had BAD music the ENTIRE DRIVE until, of course, Fondy, when all of the stations kept fading. Go figure. Monkeys.
Well, I'm going to go unpack, and get a parking pass, and go down to Rodman, so I can a- park my car, and b- practice. Threeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee cheers for going home AGAIN on Friday night or Saturday morning. Arguh.
Overall, a good weekend, even though I went to the mall (fucking Mayfair *retch*) with my sister. She didn't lock the keys in her car this time, but Mayfair is a LOT closer than Fox River....so it would have been okay.
Oh, and WTF! Kevin is engaged??? WTF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Congrats to them, of course, but WTF!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! :)
And who could forget??? LOVE FOR MY CITY!!!!
GO UWM PANTHERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)
Saturday, March 19, 2005
DIE dial-up, DIE!
I hate dialup internet. I know, I complain about this on a regular basis every time I go home. But seriously. It needs to just be eliminated from the planet. If we didn't have dialup, then this computer wouldn't run slower than frozen molasses (I have no idea how slow frozen molasses is, but it seems like a good metaphor so deal with it). Rargh!
Anyway, I'm insanely bored. Bored, bored, bored, bored, bored, bored. I really wish I had something to do.
I've been somewhat productive in my time at home - okay, that's a big lie. But I made spaghetti for dinner last night and pancakes for lunch today - no parents necessary (though I was tempted to beg - er, ask - Dad to make pancakes, but as he was on the way out the door when I finally realized I was hungry about an hour ago...). Yay for making food! Even though it only consisted of boiling noodle and making pancakes out of a box, hey, it's a start...
Oh, and I did solve the iPod problem - I just found a different program to transfer all of the songs to my hard drive. I've got about 200 of them done, and 550 or so to go...then I'll be alllllllll good. Wheeeeeeee!
Anyway, I'm so bored right now, I don't even have anything interesting to ramble about.
Friday, March 18, 2005
As promised...
I'm just waiting to go home!! And since it is Friday, and Friday is the day in which I promised that I would post the remaining unanswered music trivia...I will do so now:

1. That's not to say the love we have isn't big or that strong, we're doing it a different way. Scarlet - Independent Love Song (from the Bed of Roses soundtrack)
14. I don't know why I waste my time, getting hung up about the things you say, when I open my eyes and it's a lovely day. Keane - Snowed Under (c'mon, you had to expect Keane on there SOMEWHERE)
15. There ain't no wealth that can buy my pride, there ain't no pain that can cleanse my soul. Tim Buckley/Cousteau - Blue Melody (i had the Cousteau version, but either is acceptable)
20. What is it in nature which lends its hand, to the tongues of young lovers in flight. Jump, Little Children - Lover's Greed (dear jump, will you ever come to Milwaukee again???)
22. You wanna know what I've been doing since you left me with a broken heart? I get the feeling that you're hoping I'm still miserable, still torn-apart. Pat McCurdy - Screw You (this was actually found in the archives - see April 17)

Well, spring break is almost over, and unfortunately I have to return as of Monday to the evils that is Ripon...but for only 55 days! Hurrah!

Thank the lord for...
The Beatles!
I have been in a blue funk alllllllllllllllll day. Nothing has really improved my mood - not Family Guy, not Night Court, not even That 70s Show! and it probably didn't help that I foolishly opened up a fucking FROZEN can of COKE while balancing a bowl of Chef Boyardee's lasagna on a pillow on my bed, so needless to say I had Coke exploding all over my hands while I'm trying to get up without turning the lasagna upside-down...
To make a long story short, I somehow managed to get the Coke on the floor, leaving a big Coke ring on my pink carpet *sigh*, but luckily I was smart and cleaned up the Coke as best I could, then flipped the rug over.
I really want to go take a shower now, but it's pointless, since if I do, I'll just wake up with nightmare hair and have to shower tomorrow AM anyway. Bah.
But I get to go home tomorrow...and do probably the same thing I'm doing here, except having my butt parked on the couch instead of my bed and hopefully with my cat nearby. Or maybe calling Adam because I haven't seen him since JULY and I think that's been a bit too long. Gack. I even bought him a shotglass this summer, maybe I should find out where I put that so I can give it to him.
Watched Princess Diaries 2 yesterday, and thought about that promise that Adam & I made each other during freshman year...so if I ever become a princess, Adam will still be my date to the ball! :) We are SUCH dorks. Still.
So, I put all of my mp3s into my iPod the other day when we cleaned out my hard drive, but I re-loaded iTunes into my hard drive, and downloaded a bunch of new songs into it, so I'm trying to put those songs into my iPod, but it says that my iPod is hooked up to a different iTunes, or whatever, which makes sort-of sense. So I downloaded some program to put the songs in the iPod back into iTunes, but it won't open. At all. Rargh. Stupid, stupid computer. I wish I wasn't 100% computer illiterate.
Well, not that St. Patrick's Day is over, thank the lord, I can say that last year was far better than this year. Then again, any year would probably be far better than this year. I've decided I'm moving to Ohio this summer and never coming back. Take that Wisconsin folk! Not that I'll be missed all that much...at least not by people here.
Monkeys! Life in Ohio (sans Creepy McRoommate) was way better than Ripon College has ever been.
half hour later...
This is not to say that life in Ohio was always a picnic. I don't usually have a problem getting to know people, but sometimes I can be shy, and it wasn't super easy to meet people. And my roommate SUCKED. But when I got into the swing of things, and started hanging out with my awesome co-workers, it got much much much better. I still miss them a lot - and it's March! And consequently this is also not saying that Ripon has always sucked. It just happens to take turns for the worse more often than the better. I'm hoping that I will be able to come away from this miserably experience by only remembering the good things - my friends (esp. the ones who graduated last year!), my bf, some of my isolated experiences in the music dept, etc. And hopefully all of the bad things will have magically been erased from my memory a year from now. Not to say I will have forgotten the lessons learned, but just have forgotten the pain those lessons caused me.
And now changing the subject...
Let the countdowns begin!
28 days until Senior Sem (of doom!) is due
36 days until my Senior Recital (oh joy. rapture. yawn.)
42 days until the Variety Show.
43 days until Springfest!
58 days until graduation! Thank the lord!
Oh, why do I thank the lord for the Beatles? Because they rock. Obviously. Yay for having lots of Beatles albums in iTunes as of now...as most of mine (save the anthologies, which are somewhere under my bed) are at home for right now.

And yet you don't believe her when she says her love is dead, you think she needs you.

Wednesday, March 16, 2005
Did someone say bowling goddess???
If they did, they sure weren't talking about me! As is typical for my bowling flukes, I bowled two games: a 44, and a 99 (damnit! so close to getting to 100 for the first time, like, ever). No, I haven't learned how to bowl normally (so to speak)! It's too hard to break habits, I'll just stick to my bowling flukes. Hey, a decent game every now and then, and sucking royally the rest of the time. Besides, it's kind of fun to annoy your opponents by being horrible, and yet getting strikes and spares every now and then, teehee!
In other news, my ongoing hatred for AT&T/Cingular keeps intensifying, since getting back to Ripon today, my phone is permanently reading "ROAM". ARGUH!!! I had to call Ohio today anyway, bah, so it better not have been a roaming call. Regardless, I'm going to call Cingular tomorrow and yell at them...let's see. It's almost April, so I have until August. August! Do you hear me Cingular?? I wash my hands of you in August! BAH! *shakes fist*
Hmm..St. Patrick's Day is tomorrow. May or may not be participating in 24-hour drinking marathon. Maybe like, 8 hours. We shall see. My room needs cleaning, my parents need to be called, and I want to see my cat. I miss my cat. Yay for seeing my cat soon!
Monday, March 14, 2005
Yay, it's time to go on vacation!! Not that I'm going anywhere super exciting or fun, but hey, it's a vacation, and every little bit counts, huh? :)
In the meantime, I'll continue to leave you with music trivia to keep you occupied. Heh, I'll wait to come back and find lots of answers, right??? :)
Hello poetry lovers...
Or music lovers...I guess. :) C'mon guys, there have only been 6 guesses made (all of them right, I might add...whoops, better change that)! Props if anyone gets 14, 15, those may not be as easy. And 25. And 22 could be easy - or hard, if you know where to look...;)
Anywho. I watched part of Napoleon Dynamite tonight. Key word: part. My IQ started dropping so I had to stop watching. Never found a plot. I'll give it a few funny moments, but mostly, I just say there saying "WTF?" multiple times before I finally had to give into the preservation of my IQ (which is rapidly dropping the longer I stay in college so I should probably preserve it as best I can). Maybe I'll finish watching it if I'm either a- drunk, b- desperate, or c- would rather not be doing something else. :)
Thankfully, I still have *checks calendar* SEVEN glorious days left of spring break. I don't think I've dreaded going back to school this much EVER. Maybe I'll get lucky in the meantime, and I'll come back to find out that school has blown up. Nah. I'm not that lucky. And besides, I want to save my computer, oboes, papasan chair, and stuffed animals. Priorities, priorities.
Sunday, March 13, 2005
21 going on 12...
Ahh...I love Sunday afternoons when I don't have anything to do. Namely over break, because I have a feeling that all of the Sundays following will be full of C-R-A-P! Next Sunday is Palm Sunday...and then it's Easter?? And then WTF! It's April! WTF?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! Where did the time go? I think April 3 is daylight savings time again ... *groan* ... AND the day after formal AGAIN!! BAH!
Extremely unproductive today. Watched a few episodes of Night Court, played some Paperboy (old school Nintendo! WOOHOO!), and watched 13 Going on 30.
i wanna be a kid again!!!
If I could just be a kid again, that would be great. Middle school, even. Unlike just about everyone else I know, I actually LIKED middle school. It was just a good time in life. I dunno why. Even though we only had two years of middle, excuse me, intermediate (only shorewood, cripes) school because we were stuck in elementary school for sixth grade (worst. year. ever).
Damn growing up. Why on earth did we ever want responsibilities??? :)
Saturday, March 12, 2005
Music Trivia Time! Wheeeeeeeeeee!
Hehe, just because I'm having way too much fun with my iPod....it's music trivia time! No cheating (see, if you cheat for consequences)

1. Hit shuffle and pick the first twenty-five songs on your playlist.
2. Write down one line of the song. Try to avoid putting the song title in the line.
3. Have your friends comment and see if they know the songs.
4. When someone guesses correctly, song will be bolded.
5. If you cheat, when you reeeally need your cellphone sometime, it will be dead.

Ready?? Here goes...
1. That's not to say the love we have isn't big or that strong, we're doing it a different way.
2. Let me be your freedom, let daylight dry your tears... Phantom of the Opera - All I Ask of You
3. It gets hard, the memory's faded, who gets what they say? Gin Blossoms - Til I Hear it From You
4. And Harry doesn't mind if he doesn't make the scene, he's got a daytime job, he's doing alright, he can play the honky tonk like anything... Dire Straits - Sultans of Swing
5. Hold this thread as I walk away... Weezer - The Sweater Song
6. After two days in the desert sun, my skin began to turn red... America - Horse with No Name
7. You can't stop us on the road to freedom, you can't keep us 'cause our eyes can see. Van Morrison - Tupelo Honey
8. Sweeter than wine, softer than the summer night, everything I want I have. Jay & the Americans - This Magic Moment (also done by Lou Reed)
9. Remember all the songs you sang for me, when we went sailing on an emerald bay. Billy Joel - Lullabye
10. Nothing worth having comes without some kind of fight. Barenaked Ladies - Lovers in a Dangerous Time
11. It's a luscious mix of words and tricks that let us bet when we know we should fold. The Shins - Caring is Creepy
12. Softly smile, I know she must be kind, when I look in her eyes, she goes with me into a blossom world. The Beach Boys - Good Vibrations (yea for the theremin! woooooooooooooooo)
13. Your head is humming and it won't go, in case you don't know, the piper's calling you to join him. Led Zepplin - Stairway to Heaven
14. I don't know why I waste my time, getting hung up about the things you say, when I open my eyes and it's a lovely day.
15. There ain't no wealth that can buy my pride, there ain't no pain that can cleanse my soul.
16. A time of love, a time of hate, a time of war, a time of peace. The Byrds - Turn, Turn, Turn
17. Hello lamp-post, what'cha knowing? I've come to watch your flowers growin. Simon & Garfunkel - The 59th Street Bridge Song (Feelin' Groovy)
18. Life is a series of hellos and good-byes, I'm afraid it's time for goodbye again. Billy Joel - Say Goodbye to Hollywood
19. God speed all the bakers at dawn may they all cut their thumbs. The Shins - New Slang
20. What is it in nature which lends its hand, to the tongues of young lovers in flight.
21. Sitting here remembering me, always been a shoe made for the city. Rufus Wainwright - Cigarettes and Chocolate Milk
22. You wanna know what I've been doing since you left me with a broken heart? I get the feeling that you're hoping I'm still miserable, still torn-apart.
23. Bones, sinking like stones, all that we fought for, homes, places we've grown, all of us are done for. Coldplay - Don't Panic
24. Downpour on my soul, splashing in the ocean, I'm losing control, dark sky all around, I can't feel my feet touching the ground. Jars of Clay - Flood
25. That suicide is painless, it brings on many changes, and I can take or leave it if I please. MASH theme song - Suicide is Painless

Good luck :)
Oh, and I'd just like to say this was way harder than I thought to find 25 songs with lyrics in my iPod. I managed to hit just about every non-lyrical track in the whole damn thing trying to get these...Miles Davis, Dave Brubeck, Mozart, Grainger, etc, etc...yikes. I am a nerd! Woohoo!
Friday, March 11, 2005
Thursday, March 10, 2005
Woohoo! Spring break!!! Yay!
Yay! It's spring break (minus a quartet rehearsal for my recital)!!! So, in about 1.75 hours, I will officially be on spring break. Yay!!!! I am absolutely in dire need of spring break!! I have been stressed, stressed, stressed, stressed, stressed, stressed alllllllllllllllllll week, and I totally can't wait until I have nothing very important to worry about until NEXT MONDAY! As in, a WEEK from Monday!
It's snowing here. Boo. Stop snowing! It's spring break! Key word there being SPRING. Not winter, SPRING. Got that? Spring!!!! Yay spring!
I got an early graduation present yesterday - yay for an iPod!!!! SCORE!!! Yay for Andy getting me an early graduation iPod! I am totally going to use it like, all the time. It has already made the Rodman walk much more bearable...so YAY!
Also it might inspire me to start running again...when the snow goes away, of course...blah to running in snow. I'm not that much of an athlete that I will do strenuous athletic activities when it's raining or snowing. What they should really do is invent some sort of way to listen to music while SWIMMING. That would kick ass.
Can I just say how much I LOVE Sketches of Spain?? (random, I know) I love Miles Davis. And I love jazz music...and while it can be debateable whether Sketches of Spain is jazz (I think it is, but others do not), I still *heart* jazz.
Okay. I better go pack, 'cause I'm leaving tonight. SCORE! After a quartet rehearsal with Austin, Krysta & Tom, and then Roadwhore for dinner, I'm outta here.
Spring break could not have come at a better time...woohoo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yay!
oh yeah, and my AIM is back! A big yay for that one! :)
Wednesday, March 09, 2005
Extra, extra!
I've decided to start up a new feature that I am going to run on Wednesdays...whether it be once a month on Wednesdays, bi-weekly, every week, whatever, not sure yet. It's still in the testing stages...
Lauren! Get to the point! What are you going to do??
Okay, okay, I know. I'm going to run news stories and provide my scathing commentary on them. Okay, at least commentary. I'm not going to run anything terribly front-page worthy, unless I can't NOT, but rather stories I find interesting, humorous, just plain stupid, or, if it is front-page worthy, I will provide my scathing, extremely biased opinions. Yea!
So, with no further delay...

The News According to Lauren
Volume One, Issue One

Internet True Love is worth losing fingers for!

So, let me get this straight. You robbed a Pizza Hut over 20 years ago, so you can't go to Canada at all to meet a chick that you met in a chat room but you're deeply in love with her, and it was worth losing all your fingers for after wandering around northern Canada for 100 hours?? Um. Sure. More power to ya, buddy. I think I'll pass on such methods, but whatever works for you.

Real Life Van Wilder!
I can't even come up with a scathing commentary to make. Peanut butter makes you mad enough to put semen on brownies? Okay, seriously, you've got issues. There may possibly be deeper, psychological issues here??? Therapy?? Anyone?? Kids these days!

A Different Kind of Witness
Writing a letter to your shi-tzu in prison may get them a subpoena, and then not be allowed into a courtroom. Seems a tad bit on the ironic side, huh..."no seriously, he has a subpoena..."

Watch out what goes on behind closed doors!
Ohhhhhh, yeah, I think the US would just be one gigantic prison. I wonder if I've broken any laws...and if you go to Maryland, make sure all you are planning on doing is missionary. And make sure you're married. Or maybe that's in North Carolina...Either way, by the time it's 2008, our sex lives just might end up being the business of the government.

That's right, it's hunting season in Wisconsin...for CATS?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

Holy mother of monkeys. Who wants to shoot cats?? Gotta love lawmakers in this lovely state. :) Better make sure my non-collared cats stay inside. You know why my cats don't have collars?? Not because we're irresponsible pet owners. It's because my cats are too damn stupid to WEAR collars. When Bear had a problem with fleas, we got her a flea collar, and she almost killed herself trying to get it off. So if I theoretically lived in the country, and my indoor cat escaped, someone could shoot it. Yikes.

Well, that concludes this week's version of my news commentary. Had I not had this brainchild today over the cat-hunting article, I would probably have more. Usually I will have more...I mean, unless I get hate mail or stuff like that. :)

Tuesday, March 08, 2005
Oh, for the love of Pete....
I hate aim. I hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate aim. Seriously, when did aim just stop accepting my screen names?? this is getting REALLY annoying. ARGUH! I even created a new sn today just to see if it was just me or what. It's JUST me! FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK!
I'll probably get over this soon. At least I hope so. Grrrrr....
And the big fucking TV in Demmer needs to get moved or something. I wanted to practice on the recital hall organ, but a bunch of people were in their watching Indiana Jones - one of the movies, anyway. Blah. I mean, it's cool they have a TV, but must it be in Demmer? It's not like I can up and move the organ...and the one in the green room sucks. A lot. *insert frown at green room organ*
Ah well...another busy day tomorrow! Blahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!
Woohoo! I'm done! Yay! Happiness! w00t! I'm so thrilled to have that crap paper off my hands! Now, I only have a lot more stuff to do, but shhhhhhhh...
Can't WAIT until spring break! Yeah! Oy, if I had to spend more than two days longer here....I think I'd go crazy.
Got a message from Tiffany last night! Yea! We might actually get this thing off the ground - well, except for a minor snafu in planning already...must write her after I write this.
Anyway, our plan (maybe), is to go visit Lizzie and Kristen in MN - at some point. I figure I can catch up with Erin too ('cause Kristen lives in Rochester too!) and maybe some other people as well. When this is going to happen, I have no idea...originally I slated it for possibly the 2nd weekend of spring break, but I think my parents might actually want me home...maybe.
Besides, Ben & Tom & Jay & others (including moi!) are planning a 24-hour drinking marathon in honor of St. Patrick's day. Yes, we're insane. But that's going to be the fun part...try catching me on Friday....WHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! This'll be even better than springfest! *insert big grin here*
It has been brought to my attention that I need to start posting pictures again on my on my photos page...I'll work on that, PROMISE!
Well, I'm not completely done with work today, of course...still have work work in the resource center, as well as some practicing (as long as they're not watching Star Wars on the big TV in demmer - excuse me, the big fucking TV in demmer...). They better not get in my way tonight!!! :)
Heigh ho, heigh ho, it's off to work I go!
Oh, and do leave a monkey. :)
Attn: AT&T tdma type cell folks?
I have come to a conclusion - AT&T has officially gone batty! I just got my last cell phone bill. The total amount of minutes I used: 8.0.
Yes, you read that right. Eight.
All six of those phone calls (six?) were made in the home area of AT&T (in this case, appleton) over the course of one weekend. NONE of my out of home area (in this case, ripon) counted. HUH???
So, my watching my anytime minutes like a hawk was, um, POINTLESS???
Good lord. I'm not complaining, but I was watching my anytime minutes like crazy to make sure I didn't go over at all, and NONE of them counted AT ALL??? Seems kind of ridiculous to pay $35(ish) a month for six phone calls and six text messages.
Can't wait to give up AT&T/Cingular!!! Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! Only, um, *checks calendar* April, May, June and July to go!! Hooray!!
As for what company I will go with next, I'm thinking Verizon, but suggestions are welcome. You've still got four months. Unless I go to Ohio, then you've got till September. Either way, whatever.
So, anyone else on the old AT&T tdma network (okay, Beth?), are you having said same problem?? Or is it just me?? Wouldn't surprise me in the least...
Must write paper now! But I've already got over a page, and that only took me 1/2 hour to write. So I think this one will go way better than the last one! Woohoo!!! And I didn't even go out not drinking last night either! Yay!
Monday, March 07, 2005
One down, one to go...
Well, I have finished that poor excuse of a sem paper. It was completely unorganized, and I am just bracing myself for the reaction of McGowan tomorrow. Luckily, I have all intentions of telling her I will be adding in lyrics and such later, but that I felt it was 'cheating' now (even though that would have made a lot of sense - and taken up a lot of paper space, but also would have taken up a lot more TIME).
Now I must shift my energies to the history 346 paper...joy! rapture! I think this one may end up being worse than the last one, just based on the fact that I didn't read this book at all. But the good news is, there is no class tomorrow, so I shall try and have this paper done by the time I go meet with McGowan at 1:30. No use in making two trips over to East Hall in one afternoon.
Good thing I have a lot of Coke left though! I fear tonight will also be a long night. Bah!
For some reason, Bambi is really scary at 2:30 in the morning. I dunno why.
I am officially getting OLD. I couldn't even sleep last night because my whole body just ached. I have no idea why. 800mg of ibuprofen, an ice pack, another pillow, and two hours later, I finally fell asleep. It sucked. C'mon, I'm only 21!!!!
I am tired of doing work. Can't this paper magically write itself? And then the program notes? Any ideas for what I should put as my artwork for my recital program? I am aiming to get the program on Jean's desk by Monday, March 21. The last one was soooooooooooo easy, I knew what I wanted as soon as I knew I was doing a recital. Schroeder just seemed SO perfect! Damnit! If I had known this would be a dilemma, I should have made sure we took an oboe road picture with Ali and Sherri. That would have been PERFECT! In a slightly music-geeky sort of way. Okay, a very big music-geeky sort of way.
Cannot cannot cannot cannot CANNOT wait until spring break. Only three more class days! SCORE!
must. write. paper. must. stop. procrastinating!
must. stop. writing. blog. ;)
though you did not pick up on the hint last time - here it is again: leave words of encouragement. :)
besides, i have a cool new comment background and format! wheeeeeeeeeee!
Sunday, March 06, 2005
Imminent breakdown!
Agh! I am going to go crazy if today is a gauge for the rest of the stinkin' week. I have SO much to do before Tuesday and I have no motivation to do ANY of it. I also had a headache all afternoon, I'm ready to just snap on people, and if anyone pisses me off in the next 48 hours, be prepared to get snapped on.
I'm still rather irked about said e-stalker, but it's probably just because I am at the point of going crazy. But for those of you interested...go here.
There haven't been any posts lately, so I am hoping that there will be none, and people will just not read it. That would make me happy.
Yes, I realize I'm probably just overreacting, but seriously, leave me alone if you think so. I'm so not in the mood.
AIM is being stupid too. It won't let me change my profile, read people's away messages or, most importantly, send people messages sometimes! argh! do they not realize how much I RELY on instant messenger??? It sounds really stupid, but seriously, if you want to get ahold of me when I'm not in my room, you have four options: a- call my room phone & leave a message, b- call my cell phone and either i will pick up or you can leave a message, c- leave me a message on instant messenger, or d- *unrealistic* hunt me down...and really...a and d are not very good options. I constantly forget to check my phone messages. And I know a bunch of other people who are the same. I need my aim back!!
So, moving away from my incessantly bad mood (don't piss me off!), I have to do something to my hair. I just have to. It's long past the point of boring. I'm not going to dye it completely - I learned my lesson on that when I dyed it black (baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad move), and it is its natural color right now, which I like (but I like it a whole lot better in the summertime!). So Steph and I were talking about highlights...but what color? Steph thinks a gold color or something, I am completely clueless. Of course, I want to do something that is only semi-permanent, and never fear! I know exactly how to get rid of it as well (haha, clairol natural instincts: hazelnut ... yea for having the same color as all of my dad's sisters!). I just can't do anything drastic because I have a recital in, um, like, six weeks (shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit!). But if I can hide it by putting my hair up, then no worries. If anyone has any suggestions, please feel free to let me know!
Speaking of hair, I read the other day that people who don't do anything to their hair, ie, no hair gel, spray, etc, etc have prettier, shinier hair than others! Yea for me! No wonder...go figure, I want to alter it. Well, maybe not. We shall see.
Anyway, sem is calling my name. I'm aiming to turn in 5 pages tomorrow rather than anything more. Frankly, I don't really care all that terribly much. Today has been just an awful enough day for me to not give a rat's ass.
Saturday, March 05, 2005
Weird with a side of freaky...
Okay, so in my perusal of the blogger website to find other people in Ripon, I came across a fairly anonymous blogger-type person in Ripon, who has me linked to their website. I have no idea who it is. I don't know if I know the person, or don't know the person, or whatever. Either way, it's tiny bit freaky!
So whoever you are, e-stalking is not cool in my book. Apologies in advance if I do end up knowing who you are, but it would be much more cool in my book if I both knew who you are, and knew you were linking me to your blog.
Thursday, March 03, 2005
What I should be doing vs What I am ACTUALLY doing...
I should so be getting my laundry into the dryer and going to the library (though it's been about four months since I've been to the library, so goodness knows I might not find it - help!) before going out of town till Sunday.
I should also be thinking about writing my senior sem paper start (5-8 pages due on Monday by 5pm), or thinking about starting my paper for american history - specifically 17th century Virginia (aka flaming pile of cowshit paper #2) that is due (6-8 pages worth!) by Tuesday at 5pm. I have much of Tuesday to do said paper, but why waste valuble non-class time by doing homework for said class that was cancelled? I want to be done with this stuff by Sunday so I can reap the benefits of having TWO classes cancelled in TWO days! But just in case, people should be standing by on Monday night so I can go to the bars with them in case I only have 1.5 pages written by 9:30 on Monday night...hrumph.
Anyway, what I'm actually doing is sitting at my computer, listening to CDs that I burned today, and earlier I started reading When Will Jesus Bring the Pork Chops? by George Carlin - which is hilarious! So far. Because I really SHOULD be reading books on folk music, but instead I pick to read for fun. Ha!
Another thing I'm going to do instead of what I should be doing is I'm going to run a mini-poll to help out my friend Allison.
The Woody Woodpecker Show apparently had a character named Chilly Willy who was a penguin, complete with his own section AND theme song, yet Allison (and myself!) have no recollection of Chilly Willy. The only thing I could come up with regarding Chilly Willy is that he may have a popsicle brand that often shows up in the summer weekly Walgreen's ad. So...
Do you know who Chilly Willy is?

It was mentioned that perhaps Allison didn't know who Chilly Willy is because she was from Wisconsin...
And with that, I take my leave to get my laundry and go to the library. But I'm bringing the cell, so if you feel so inclined, do give me a call. You might even be able to help me in case I get lost to, from, or somewhere in the library.

Yoink. I have spent the last hour or so singing along to the Sound of Music soundtrack that I yoinked from the resource center (temporarily, until I burn it to my hard drive). It's such a fun fun fun fun fun soundtrack to sing along to. I know the words of like, every song by heart.
Damn. Now I have a burning desire to watch the Sound of Music, but alas, I have no copy of it. Anyone? Anyone at all? Within walking distance? Preferably within a few buildings?? Please?
I spent the ENTIRE day in Rodman today. I got down there at 12:30pm, and got back to my room at 12:00am. Save about 35 minutes spent going to and from and eating in the Terrace around 5:30. Bah! Wednesdays are going to be nightmare-ish for a while...
12:30-2: Woodwind tech, 2-2:30: organ, 2:30-3:30: practice with Maria for that recital-thingy, 4:45-5:15: lesson w/Courtney, 6:15-8:15: Band, 8:30-indefinite: practice, write program notes, do sem research, bum around, procrastinate...blahhhhhhhhhhhhhh!
The hills are alive...
god damn, i will never get this out of my head. Monkeys.
So tomorrow, I think I may go see the play. And go to the library. Not in that order. I don't have anything for Blake's class tomorrow, which is goooooooooood, because it is music geek lunch tomorrow, and as we tend to stay in the commons until around 2 or so, it's good that I won't have homework to worry about, 'cause lord knows I won't be doing it now.
I haven't watched Garden State in like, a week. I know, weird.
I have to finished writing some program notes tomorrow before my lesson, so here's hoping I get out of bed tomorrow am. Only five class days until spring break!!!
I think my English whore reed is actually taking to the English whore. God damn, I cannot possibly stress enough how much I think that the E. whore would be better suited as a lamp! I miss playing E. whore....crazy. If I ever get rich (ha!), I will buy one. Preferably a Loree, or something expensive and awesome. Wheeeeeeeee.
I am trying to make my blog exciting again - really I am!!! :( It is sad to see very few or no comments...:(
Oooh, there will be formal date applications soon though! I think formal is April 2 or something...woohoo! But that probably won't be till after break. Or after my recital hearing. Or...blah!! Either way, look forward to it.
I'm still working on a possible quiz. Okay, I'm not. But I think I might. Hmmm...
I will be the WORST church organist ever! Why's that, you may ask. Well...because whenever I mess up, I swear. And this happens often. Somehow I don't think I will be a very good church organist if I swear every time I mess up. ;)
Agh...it's late.
The sun has gone to bed, and so must I...
i need to stop listening to the sound of music.
time for Peter Pan!
Oh, fuckit. :)
Wednesday, March 02, 2005
Looooooooooooooooooooooong day it was...
So here I am, sitting at my computer desk eating, um, beefaroni (yay chef boyardee!) after a super long, actually semi-productive day. Whoa. It's probably not in my best interest to be EATING dinner at this hour, but gah, I didn't earlier. So aside from a few cookies earlier, I haven't eaten since lunch. Yick.
I was immensely productive - finished all of my Sibelius projects, practiced organ & piano and 'worked', but I didn't leave Rodman until 12:50. Gack, Rodman is freaky at night. Luckily Margaret was down there studying for styles too, so I had company on the walk up.
I'd just like to complain about the weather for a moment. It's now MARCH, according to both of my calendar, as well as the computer (and numerous other sources I'm sure). What's with the snow? And the cold?? Hello! Go away! Winter has been long enough & cold enough, thank you.
**steps off soapbox**

Lately, I've been feeling really out of it. I am usually out of it, I swear I live in my own little world for most of the time, but lately it's been even worse.
I guess maybe it's par for the course of being a senior, but I didn't feel it until recently! I feel so OLD. It's ridiculous! I'm not old! I just have been here for while, damnit! EVERYTHING seems to make me feel old. Nobody remembers HMS Pinafore, or Professor D's Spanish fantasy, or the anal sex discussion before the band concert, or why walking backwards to Rodman had some ounce of sense in it, or the theatre sombrero and why you shouldn't wear that on the south side. Or why my nickname was the Captain's Daughter for a while...the endless tormenting of me by the entire friggin' tenor section in collegium!!! It seems like years and years ago that Bremer used to randomly serenade me with showtunes during the late night practice sessions, and why the week of February 18, 2002 was soooooooooooooo stressful and why I was bouncing off the walls. Nobody in my history classes remembers why I would have rather hurt myself than go to 20th century Europe and hear Professor Chalmers say the word 'um' every other sentence. Or when Professor Wheeler let our class out 10 minutes after we got to class, so Joe Dane, Hans, Scott & I went over to Scott hall to pick up Gallagher so that we could go to Ace hardware, Joe Dane drove and I called shotgun every single time, so Hans, Scott and Paul had to pile in the backseat - hahahaha! Our English class entertainment was Jean-Luc the gay clown (why, I'm not sure). Room-christening with Joe stuffing every scarf I own on the crack so that the smoke wouldn't escape from my room because he was afraid we'd get in trouble. That was the year we managed to steal the #1 from Culver's, and randomly drove to Beloit at 11:30 at night in the Reliant. Does anyone know why I compiled a very long list of male names beginning with the letter H? And Joe's demonstration of what "don't drop the soap" means in the commons? Gack!
See! I feel old. Nobody else remembers this stuff!!!
But then, on the other side of things, if I hang out with people that are older than me (ie, graduated folks), I feel young. I was out with a group of people a few weeks ago who were all older than me and had graduated and/or had real jobs. I felt so YOUNG. It was unreal. I looked forward to hanging out with older people because I was tired of feeling old, and I felt so young, and so immature and clueless. And it's nothing that they did, it's not like they were talking down to me or anything, but I'm rambling on and on about classes and not writing papers and tuning out my professors instead of listening and procrastinating on homework and setting my recital date and why I don't want to write my senior sem. Such a friggin' college student! I know, obviously, I am one. But then they were talking about work and grad school plans and and grown-up type things! These are people who were doing what I'm doing now only a year ago (or maybe a little bit longer) but I feel like I have such an age gap between me and them! It makes me long for getting out of here more - and I won't have to think about college-type things anymore. Unless I go back to school, which is a whole different story that I will save for another time. And no, I don't mean grad school. I'll elaborate later, if I think about it in the future. Blah.
I hate feeling like I'm in my own little world. This isn't my fantasy world where bad things don't happen and people don't suck, though. :) I'm tired of feeling old when I'm here, but then young when I'm around my friends that have real jobs or who are in grad school, or whatever it is that they're doing that's NOT college! I can't wait to just be done with this school. Because even if I do go back to school, it's NOT going to be here, and I'm not going to ever live in a dorm again if I can help it! Blah!
Shit, it's almost 2:15. I really need to go to bed - tomorrow is going to be another loooooooooooooooooooooooong day. I can't wait till Friday - I am going to sleep the day away.
Tuesday, March 01, 2005
American Pie!
And we have passed our clarinet exams! Huzzah! Never again do I have to squeak my way (no pun intended - mwahahaha) through that instrument!
(incidentally, I got a 100% on my written exam, and a 99% on my playing test...guess I didn't exactly fail...)
Now it's time for flute in woodwind tech. Sherri has already isolated a problem I have, which is good, because I was super bored otherwise during class. Steph and I spent a few minutes playing the easy duets we'll be doing in class. So it's good that I do have an issue with tonguing on flute, because otherwise I'd be super bored all through class.
I am deathly afraid that that will happen during oboe tech. ;) Then again, I have been playing oboe for eight years now, and I can't think of anything so deathly wrong that I won't be able to just say 'screw it' and make sure to tell my students 'do as i say, not as i do....'
Only 6.5 days left of class for me till spring break!!!! Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay! I don't have all of my break accounted for past Thursday though, any further ideas??
And then after break, only 1/16 of my college career left. Whoa.
Going to end on a non-melancholy note...
Yay it's March 1! Only a month till the Cap & Gown party! Riiiiiiiiiiiiight.
So, American Pie...
speaking of flute...
'this one time, at band camp...'
Time to do homework!

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