Where did the sheep get tap shoes????
Saturday, November 29, 2003
Ahhhh, the Christmas season is pretty much upon us. For me this means a good time had by all. It means constant Christmas music from now until New Years...it means surviving crazy family escapades (see Nov 28 entry to confirm)...it might even mean snow!!! Well apparently the word on the street is that Ripon already has snow. However, Milwaukee is lacking. Whenever it snows, it melts. Instantly. I'm dreaming of a gray Christmas.......
The Christmas season for me also means hauling out the knitting needles and crochet hooks, and venturing out into the dangerous territory of our local Wal-Mat. I haven't ventured out today, and I don't plan to. Maybe I'll head to Wal-Mat somewhere else, where it's safer, as in not on Capitol Drive, where at least one letter is burned out on a consistent basis. Maybe I should keep a tally. Let's see, so far there's been Wal-Mat, and I think Wal-Mrt. I'm just waiting for Wal-Mar, Wal-Art, Wl-Mart, or any other variations. It's kind of like County Highway Scrabble, except not as much fun.
Anyway, I'm off subject. The reason I haul out sharp pointly objects is not so much to impale myself or others, though Gina almost did poke out Paul's eye last year with a knitting needle as she burst into my room, and tripped over my backpack that she "didn't see" even though it was sitting out in the middle of the floor!! As if the boy wasn't traumatized enough by the night before....Just kidding.
Once again, I'm off on another planet. Perhaps this year I will have hauled out my sharp pointy objects to construct Christmas presents for people. Then again maybe not. I think my grandma is still waiting on her present from last year. It's half done, I swear!! Someone needs to find me sparkly yarn...
I also get to look forward to such exciting TV specials as Charlie Brown, Garfield, Muppets, and CLAYMATION!!!! That might possibly be my favorite.
Well, off on a short trip to the library. And the back here to further procrastinate on my homework with movies that I don't really need to watch, such as Immortal Beloved and The Abduction of Figaro (but that one can wait, I suppose). Then again I think I hear the Christmas specials calling my name! You know how I'LL be spending my Saturday night!

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