Sunday, November 30, 2003
Back from Thanksgiving break! Honestly, that break seemed super long. Probably because of all the productivity yet procrastination that I managed over the break. Hmmm...
I was productive in a sense, because I went to the library three times (three different libraries, can you believe it?). Wednesday I went to the school library and got like, eight books for my stupid project for Styles. I didn't touch any of said books except to move them around my room a few times. Then on Saturday, I went to the waste of space Shorewood empty bookshelves $5.7 million library to get two books on Mozart, a book on Henry VIII, and a book on Latin America, and a movie on Beethoven. Today, I ventured out to the Ripon Public Library to FINALLY pick up the DaVinci Code. It's a VERY hard book to get ahold of! Yikes. But I finally got it, read for a good chunk of the afternoon, and now I'm on chapter 22. Huzzah!
Anyway, now I'm off to do nada. Sweet! Glad that Thanksgiving break is over, because now I'm coasting into winter vacation! Finally! I'm about ready to be DONE with stupid classes like Styles.
Oh yeah, and SOME people I know look more and more like serial rapists every time I see them, which is thankfully not very often. And why is it that every time I'm around said serial rapist, I feel dirty? Ewww.