Where did the sheep get tap shoes????
Sunday, November 23, 2003
Today's topic: band concerts.
Are they really necessary?? I mean, seriously, what is the point of them? I don't like playing in them, really, and I don't like going to them if I'm not in them (though I can't remember when the last time was that I went to a band concert that I didn't play in)...wait, I went to the Ripon High School band concert in May. Yeah THAT was interesting. Okay, maybe not so much.
But really, band concerts are not so much my favorite thing. Overall, however, today's wasn't so bad. But my weekend was fairly non-existant. Okay, pretty much not existant at all. Only because I had lots to do, and not really much down time. But oh well. It was a good weekend. Except for that whole band concert deal. :)

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