Where did the sheep get tap shoes????
Monday, November 03, 2003
Welcome to Monday of doom.
I wake up this morning to the delightful pouring rain, which therefore gets the quilt all wet and therefore forced to close the window. That SUCKS. It's friggin hot in the room, and the quilt is hot, and now suddenly there's tons of rain and a lackage of open window. Fans just don't do it.
Then, I skipped lunch, not that it's bad to skip lunch, 'cause lord knows that if I went to lunch I'd probably come down with food poisoning or something of the sort, and end up dying a long painful death. On a rainy Monday, no less.
I skipped my 1:05 class today, not because of the rain, or because I didn't do my homework, but because something got into my eye, and now my left eye is red and puffy, and hurts a helluva lot! The search for Visine? Turns up nothing. Now I have loads to do, and not enough time to do any of it, I don't feel good, my eye hurts, and I already skipped a class today. Oh yeah, and it's only 1:45. This is not a good sign for the rest of the day- including my 3 hour Monday night class.
And Tuesday is quite possibly my least favorite day of the whole week, so that's what I have to look forward to. Great.
Check back for some more disasters, but probably not till Thursday, unless I somehow make it through today's day of doom without dying.

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