Tuesday, December 23, 2003
Ha! Finally, an ode to my laptop!!!!!
Ode to my Laptop
Once upon a time
In a land maybe not so far away
There was an IBM Thinkpad
That functioned every day.
Oh thick clunky keyboard!
Oh large ghetto speakers!
Oh operating system dating 1995!
Oh screen that went fuzzy at every odd angle!
Oh computer itself, what a thick piece of shit!
Computer that functioned every day for a year
That conquered term papers and poetry projects
Writing papers at every hour of the day
It seemed that you were
And became a whiz at email as well
Oh Yahoo at that!
What a wonderful piece of technological crap.
Sadly it died
The last day of the semester
But not until after it made its mark
With useless stuff up the wazoo
Goodbye dear old craptop,
Goodbye to you.