Where did the sheep get tap shoes????
Monday, December 08, 2003
Only at Ripon College would I receive an email from a professor that goes something like this.

Dear Symphonic Wind Ensemble members;
There were quite a number of you absent from today's rehearsal. I heard from a number of you who are ill (get well!) or who are experiencing academic and/or personal stresses at the moment. While I understand that, I urge you to be at Wednesday night's rehearsal if you possibly can. Like last week, it will not last much, if any, past 7:30. I just want for us to keep chops in some semblance of shape for one more week, not to mention spend some time with our good colleagues from the group. We'll do some more reading, maybe a little reviewing.

Today we enjoyed (except for a few Scrooges) playing through some old Christmas favorites. It even got some folks to "a happy place."

See you soon,
Professor D.

Yes, I really did get that email tonight. And yes, I did skip out of band tonight too. However, it was for a valid reason, ie, going to the Living Group Presidents meeting. It was a bundle of fun, really.
Back to starting, er, finishing that paper that was due three hours ago....

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