Where did the sheep get tap shoes????
Tuesday, December 30, 2003
Well, this may be the last posting of 2003! Then again it might not, because I STILL haven't figured out what the hell to do tomorrow night. Saaaaaaaaaaaaaad. I do not want to spend time with my stuffy parents and their stuffy friends. Gaaaaaaaaaah! I might have to hide upstairs with the 10 books (wait, down to 7) that I checked out of the library yesterday (2 read, 1 half done, 7 to go, I'm such a nerd.), but I REALLY don't want to do that! Any ideas????
In response to yesterday's vocabulary extension, I had the most interesting conversation with my dear little brother Buddy:

Lauren: i think i should study garbology
Buddy: oooh sounds dirty
Buddy: count me in
Buddy: ;-)
Lauren: Garbology: "study of waste materials: the study of a cultural group by an examination of what it discards"

Garbology might be a good career choice for dumpster divers. Recycling may make the job of future garbologists extremely difficult--they'll have less to study.
Lauren: see, you learn something new every day!
Buddy: exactly. and that is why recycling is bad
Buddy: we even get a moral for today! recycling = bad
Lauren: i know, it would put a lot of garbologists out of a job! and that would be sad!
Buddy: let's make t-shirts!
Lauren: poor garbologists
Buddy: we'll start a charity for them
Lauren: Support Garbology!
Don't Recycle.

So Buddy & I will be starting up a foundation to help Garbologists all over the world. Send your donations to me, and make all checks payable to me!

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