Wednesday, January 07, 2004
I admit to taking a bit of a hiatus from the blog lately, sorry to all those who were on the edge of the chairs waiting for my next posting. As I'm sure that none of you were actually on the edge of your chair waiting, I'm going to fast-forward past this.
Finishing up on January 3's posting, I left out some more excitement that took place the night that Joe and I went to East Garden. Side note: Joe's on jury duty until the 16th. Poop. Maybe I'll delay my return to Ripon a day in order to go out for Thai and such with Joe on the 16th, and go back to Ripon on the 17th. Mike Villeneuwhatever called my house today (oh joy! rapture!) but I didn't actually talk to him - he talked to our answering machine, and left a message in the wrong box.
Anywho, so New Year's eve at about 3:15 in the morning after wrapping up a conversation with my boy (who was at the time in California), I told him to call me as soon as he got home. When I say something like "Call me when you get home" that usually means "call me when you get home unless it's at some ungodly hour when even I will be in bed, so let me sleep and call me in the morning, but not too early, so let's be safe and call me in the early afternoon....yadda yadda yadda." Anyway, this translation was lost on the boy, so after I had drifted off to sleep, and was happily sleeping for an hour, hour in a cell phone rang! At 3:30 in the morning! After lying in bed for a split second, wondering if I was in fact awake or asleep, I realized that this was not a dream, but reality. Hastily I scrambled out of bed, almost tripping over the multiple items in the middle of the floor (they usually are not a problem. i don't tend to walk around my room without my contacts in in the middle of the night.), and grabbed the find out it was my boy. Normally, I would have been overjoyed at that precise moment, but I was still half asleep, and the phone ringing was almost like a bad dream come true. After hurrying downstairs, trying to find a sweatshirt and flannel pants because boxers and a tshirt aren't going to cut it when the temperature of the house is roughly five degrees below zero, I managed to have a somewhat normal conversation for the next 15 minutes. I had to ask though, why would you call me at 3:30 in the morning?? The answer? Because you told me to call you when I got home. Nice. :)
Anyway, this was all what, a week ago? Since the last posting it has snowed, not a huge amount, but enough. More snow than I think I've seen in the past three years. Sigh.
Anyway, so my younger sister has been denied acceptance to UW-Milwaukee based on the fact - wait, hold on. Someone has been denied acceptance to Milwaukee?? That's a laugh if I ever heard one. But it gets better. My sister has been denied acceptance because she doesn't have a green card. My sister is an American citizen, has been for a number of years. Granted, she's from Central America, but still. She doesn't HAVE a green card as far as I know. Please. Go UWM!
My break is still allowing for 9-10 days left of doing nothing. Except for this weekend, I'm going out of town to escape my house. Sweet! My mother is having an open house, and I've decided to avoid it like the bubonic plague, which is not a bad idea. And after this weekend, only a few more days left at home! YAY! Finally.