Where did the sheep get tap shoes????
Sunday, February 15, 2004
And the weekend is over. Saaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad. I don't have another weekend such as this until probably next year, which is a bummer!! Boo on having to do things!
Valentine's Day was fabulous, I'm not going to complain about how it's an overrated Hallmark-esque holiday that no longer has meaning. I spent four long years being bitter about Valentine's Day either because I was with someone I didn't want to be with, or wasn't with anyone at all! It's now time for me to kick back and enjoy the chocolate (as well as other things) for the 2nd year in a row!! Besides, I got food. And good food. Which is good, since I'm starting a diet of doom tomorrow. I really don't need to, but I'm helping my boy. Either way, I have to stop eating carbs. And sugar. But most likely it'll only be for a month, and by the time spring break rolls around, I'll be all set to pig out with everyone else! Can't wait till spring break!!!! Only about a month.....

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