Thursday, February 12, 2004
I have my bitterness out and reflected in said prior posting, huzzah for lack of bitterness! Anyway, today's Thursday, woot! That means that the weekend is almost here, and all I have to do tomorrow is go to four classes and lunch with my boyfriend and his mom, and then I get to go home!!!!! Wow, it's a sad day indeed when I'm excited about going home, as I usually tend to dread it. Nonetheless, should be an interesting time, should find out what's going down. Plus, now my chances of acquiring a vehicle are getting greater (good lord, am I a selfish little bitch or what?? ha)! So can't complain too much about that! Mwa! Not to mention there's only about a month until spring break, one more month, one more month, one more month...I can survive a month! And then the semester will be half over! YAY!
So I trecked over to Bartlett this afternoon to get an add/drop slip only to find out that the College is not economically friendly and I have to get ANOTHER sheet so I can drop my Anthro class (because the add/drop sheet is for one or the other, and to do both, it requires two sheets. I'm sure my advisors will like that. Hey, you get to sign the same thing on two sheets!)...stupid process. Then again, it doesn't surprise me.
Ahh well. I just remembered that I have nine journal entries due tomorrow. Surprisingly enough, I haven't started them! But then again, this is ME we're talking about. And I should start them now, but I should do some other stuff too. Like, writing journals. And dropping classes. Hrmmm...
If I go to the registrar tomorrow after my 8am, then go to West Hall to get my Anthro professor to sign the drop sheet, and then go down to Rodman, and have my advisor and Music professor sign the add sheets, and then go to Bartlett after my 1:05 class, I should be good. And then I won't get an asterick. And I'll be able to add the other class. Too much work. Bah to procrastination!
Anyway, speaking of procrastination, time to go make up some bogus to put in my journals!