Where did the sheep get tap shoes????
Tuesday, March 09, 2004
I thought for sure there would be at least some comments on Carole King...but no such! Oh well.
Today I must make reeds. Or at least start some semblance of reeds. I was super excited yesterday in band because I found a reed in my reed case that actually worked and wasn't old and crappy! Huzzah! So now I have a reed to play on. I still have to break it in, but still.
Yesterday in my German history class we got to watch a Nazi propaganda film from the 1930s. It was interesting. Instead of writing a reaction paper on it, our professor just had us fill out a sheet as we went along. One of the questions was asking how the film appealed to the masses, and asked about crowds, MUSIC, etc. I said that if the background music wasn't Richard Wagner, it should have been. He was a fucking Nazi, but luckily, he died a few decades before Hitler. Either way, it would have made sense. Yeah, can we say Lauren is a music geek? I thought so too!
Speaking of German history, one of my books got here yesterday. I now have until Friday to read it. Unfortunately, it's not the one I've still been waiting for for the past, um...49 days.

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