Where did the sheep get tap shoes????
Tuesday, March 30, 2004
Housework reduces risk of a certain form of uterine cancer in women!
Yeah, right.
Somehow, despite the article about it, I'm guessing this was just a conspiracy by a bunch of male chauvanist pigs who happened to want to get out of doing housework. So, yeah, pretty sure I don't buy it!!

You Won't Believe What Prevents Cancer

You may hate to vacuum, dust, and clean the bathrooms, but guess what? Housework may lower a woman's risk of a certain form of uterine cancer, according to a report published by an international team of researchers. Here's the gotcha: You have to do about four hours of housework a day, as well as walk for 60 minutes, to reap the biggest benefits.

The research team from the Vanderbilt University Medical Center in Nashville, Tennessee and the Shanghai Cancer Institute in China found that exercise in adulthood provided women with as much as a 30 percent reduction in endometrial cancer risk. "Our results support the idea that the risk of cancer can be reduced by maintaining an active lifestyle," lead study author Charles Matthews of Vanderbilt told Reuters.

The study: 974 women in Shanghai ages 30 to 69 were asked about their current level of exercise, as well as how much they exercised as teenagers.

If you walk briskly for 30 minutes a day, it's very likely you'll never gain another pound. Ever.

The results: Women who walked more than 60 minutes a day and who did four or more hours of housework a day had a 30 percent lower risk of developing endometrial cancer, a cancer of the lining of the uterus, reports Reuters. "In recent years, we have accumulated strong evidence that an active lifestyle can reduce the risk of colon and breast cancer. Now we are finding that physical activity may also reduce risk of endometrial cancer," Matthews said. The study findings were presented to the American Association for Cancer Research in Orlando, Florida.

Interesting, eh? The lead researcher in this team was a guy. Huh.

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