Tuesday, March 09, 2004
That whole reed-making thing sort-of happened, but not really. Which just goes to show how much being an oboe player sucks!!!!! Well, maybe not being an oboe player in general, but rather being an oboe player here. There is a substantial difference.
Anyway, it's late (not exactly late, but late for someone with an 8am class! fuck that yo!), and I should be sleeping, but every time I get into bed, I suddenly have to think about everything (whether it be what I have to do tomorrow, from when I'm going to write all my journals for Music 300, to what I'm going to do this summer/next year/for the rest of my life, etc, etc...). It's SO ANNOYING! I WANT TO GO TO SLEEP! I have the temperature at about negative 30 in here, perfect for pulling the covers over my head and falling asleep, but no such. So if you see me hauling ass tomorrow, that would be why. Since I should have been asleep an hour ago. And my back hurts. A lot. Why isn't it spring break NOW?????????