Where did the sheep get tap shoes????
Saturday, April 17, 2004
And.....this sucks!
I HATE not sleeping! It's starting to be a huge pain in the ass!! Sleep is quite possibly the most wonderful thing in the world, because who wouldn't want to slip away into a carefree dream state??? Heehee.
My mom and I talked about things I should do for myself today...but she doesn't exactly understand that everything I want, I can't exactly have. For example, I'd love to transfer, but that would be losing a LOT of time, and I don't, frankly, want to do that...because I put in enough time here already, thankyouverymuch!!! :) So I'm going to have to stick it out another year/semester, whatever, but UGH, I have to get through the summer first. Summers are some of the most difficult times for college students, especially when they have to go home, because your friends aren't around, and whatnot. It's kinda sucky...summer break shouldn't be allowed to be three months long! I'm proposing a ban on long summers, because, yeah, they suck. We should implement something like quarters, and have like, two months of school, one month off, two months of school, one month off, etc...yeah! That'd be sweet. Just as long as we have August off, because it's hella hot then. :) Yes, we should definitely have that plan!!!! It would rule! And make me happy! And a lot of other people that I know. I'm not exactly sure how we'd work this yet, but I'll figure it out. Hmmm...
Relay was last night, it was fun, but I was sadly melancholy and reminiscent the whole night. It was nice being around the girls and talking and whatnot. But it was still hard. It's getting easier, I guess. But I haven't been able to come up with a miracle cure for a broken heart yet. But I'm working on it, so once I come up with it, I'll let everyone know! Ahh, the way to make my millions! :) Time is not a miracle cure, it takes too long. Heehee.
Maybe I'll put my room in some semblence of an order today! Hurrah! Then I can actually put my laundry into my laundry basket, instead of just throwing it on the floor, since both of my laundry baskets are filled - with clean clothes. I just haven't gotten around to hanging/folding/sorting/etc. I should also vacuum. But I'll probably do that lataaaaaaaaaaa.
Tonight's the plays, then a partay on the floor (shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh....)! Hoopa!
And in the immortal words of someone intelligent, this too shall pass. If it's not happy, it's not the end.

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