Where did the sheep get tap shoes????
Wednesday, April 07, 2004
Holy Wednesday!
Well, there ain't nothing holy about this Wednesday, though it's rumored tomorrow is a Christian holiday. Humph. Maybe the holiday on Friday should save me from my jazz test of doom. Does my jazz history and romantic music professor (who is one and the same) have anything better to do this weekend? Isn't it a holiday? Is he going to spend the whole Easter weekend grading papers?? Sounds like a blast! Speaking of weekends, poop, it's Wednesday already. That means I get to go home this weekend. Yay. Yawn. I wonder if my sister will be home. Hmm.
I need to find a job for the summer. I absolutely do NOT want to go home. Arguh! I don't want to go home because I really do not want to work at columbia. Work is a term that should be used loosely as well, as it's been quite some time since I've showed my face at Columbia, and god knows they've probably made more cuts since the last time I was there, which will equal even fewer hours. I'm getting desperate. I don't want to work there at all! Maybe I can snag a job in town, and fanagle (is that a word? and if so, is it spelled correctly?) a summer of research or something. Hmmm...

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