Where did the sheep get tap shoes????
Thursday, April 29, 2004
I don't know what's going on....
That's all I can say about today. Arguh. I never know what's going on, but lately things have gotten just all that much more confusing. *sigh*
I want to get out of here, but at the same time, I don't know. I'm tired of feeling up and down, great one day, crappy the next. I wish it were summer! I still don't know what I'm doing this summer, but I'm working on figuring it out. Arguh. Today's not that crappy of a day, but yesterday was overall better.
I wish I had a car, because then I'd go for a nice long drive. Actually, it's probably good I don't have a car, because I have many things to do, and driving would be yet another way for me to put said things off, again.
I have a paper that was due two weeks ago, and a power point presentation due tomorrow. I think my topic is going to be kind of exciting, I just lack the motivation to actually do the presentation. And then I have to write a paper about it later. Joy.
While I'm off on a limb about my power point presentation, that brings me to my next rant. Not that I actually want to write this paper now, but seriously. Does it make ANY sense to have the presentation due on April 30 (or whatever day you happened to sign up for) and that paper not due till May 10?? Pretty sure it's a lot easier to derive the presentation from the paper, rather than the other way around. I changed my topic sort-of too, and I don't exactly remember what my thesis statement was supposed to be. Oh well. Hmm. Okay, there's my rant.
I want to spend the summer far far away!! I'm still working on it, there's still hope!! Keep your fingers crossed for me!!!
In the meantime, however, I gotta get all this work done. I have a study break for Delta Psi tonight, it should be fun - hooray! There will be ice cream and thursday night TV, how much better does it get???? Hopefully people show up....
We still haven't picked rooms, which is like, SUPER annoying. I guess it really doesn't matter all that much, because it's not like we're moving in until like, the 22nd of August or something, but hey, I'd like to know where I'm living next year!!!! We should know by tomorrow, so that's good.
Anyway, I'm going to go to the library, hooray for me. Then I get to work on my power point, which means time in (where else?) Rodman! Yay! Hmmm.

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