Where did the sheep get tap shoes????
Friday, April 30, 2004
I'm not sure how much longer this can go on...
I can't wait to get OUT of here! I'm going to be setting up an interview for an unnamed location for this summer hopefully tomorrow - or Monday at the latest! Keep your fingers crossed for me, I think that's what I need...a job out of town. Hell, out of state! It'll be great....I just hope it works out. I'm going to be on top of things, because I need some time away. I think it'll make me heal.
Of course, if I keep fucking myself over like I have been doing recently, then I'm not sure. However, it's a two-way street. I know that things will work out in the end, but how they will work out, I'm not exactly sure. Either way, keep me in your thoughts. Some days are better than others. This morning was good. This afternoon, yeah, not so good. Hmm.
On a completely different note, Springfest is TOMORROW! And it's not supposed to rain (crosses fingers)! And I get to see James! I have to miss his performance though. Stupid rehearsal!! I will be hauling ass up here after rehearsal...hopefully it's not a long one!!! Rar! But it'll be worth it to see James! Yay!!!!
Gotta go work a jazz concert now, and then "room lottery" (we did NOT get even remotely screwed over - this RULES! so I already know where I'm living! And I pick first!)! Yay!!!

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