Where did the sheep get tap shoes????
Friday, April 23, 2004
Wow...a sad day indeed!
So yesterday, in my realization that I have been severely lacking in my keeping up with my favorite bands, I headed to the Cousteau website in hopes to find out that perhaps they, like Jump Little Children, will be/did release a new CD!
Sadly, I got to the website, and the only thing there was a notice that Cousteau has DISBANDED!!!!!!!! and that we should check out the sites of some of the members (like Davey Ray Moor) who have continued performing. Needless to say, I am absolutely crushed.
For those of you who didn't know, Cousteau may have quite possibly been my favoritest British band since the Beatles & Rolling Stones (and they were actually from MY generation!!!!). I'm heartbroken that they have split. Hopefully Davey Ray Moor will continue on his musical pursuits, because he was my favorite member of the group anyway. But *sigh*....no more Cousteau.
Oh yeah, and upon further perusal of the favorite band/singer websites, Sam Shaber is going to be in Madison! Hooray! Except she'll be there tonight. Boo!!!

Current Music: Cousteau and Sirena - both Cousteau albums.
Sam Shaber - El Dorado

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