Monday, August 30, 2004
And what to do if you're given the wrong size uniform...
So the other day (meaning about two weeks ago...only two weeks ago? agh!), we did this little thing called inventory. Inventory is the oh-so-fun task of counting all the merchandise in a particular store whose stock numbers begin with 19 or 49...the catch is that inventory is at 6:30 in the morning before the park opens and whatnot (morning shift starts at 8:30). Anywho, so after 6:30 inventory and lunch with Megan, I headed back to my room to go to bed for a few hours before work at 3:00.
In my rush to get up after hitting snooze twice instead of once, I jumped out of bed, took a real quick shower, threw my pajamas back on and headed out to change out my uniform at wardrobe.
Typically, when I get to wardrobe, I double-check the sizes of my uniform, because they have been known to somehow mix up a small shirt and a size 30 shorts. I'm not sure how, but somehow they do. That afternoon, I was running late, didn't check my sizes and ran back to my room to change before going to work.
When I got back to my room, I put on my shorts and they fell off. I checked the size. Damn. Size 34! Well, too late to run back to wardrobe, I grabbed the other pair of shorts (size 30) that I had in my room and ran to work.
When I finally got around to having enough time to switch out my uniform again it was already Thursday (working morning shifts is a killer). So I head over to wardrobe, hand in my shirt, and explain to the woman in charge that my shorts were really supposed to be a size 30, instead of the 34. The following (stupid) conversation ensued.
Me: Oh yeah, and last time I was here, someone gave me the wrong size shorts. These should be a 30, not a 34.
Wardrobe: That's kind of a big difference.
Me (thought process): No shit, huh.
Me: Yeah, I know, I've worn a size 30 all summer.
Wardrobe: Well, I can't let you have a size 30 because that's a huge difference between a size 30 and 34. You'll have to go inside, and try on the size 30 to show us that they fit.
Me (thought process): Are you fucking joking? It's your fault I had the wrong size shorts, now I have to prove it to you that I'm right and you're wrong. This is ridiculous AND I'm already running late.
Me: Alright, whatever.
--Go inside--
Me: Yeah, someone gave me a size 34 shorts, and I wear a 30, so I guess I have to try on a size 30.
Wardrobe: Yeah, here's a size 30, if you can just try them on and show us they fit.
Me: Okay whatever.
Me (thought process): Unreal.
--Try on shorts, amazingly, they fit! WHOA!--
Me: Okay, here's the size 30.
Wardrobe: Oh, those are fine.
Me (thought process): Funny how that works, since I've been wearing a size 30 all summer and it's now my second to last day.
Me: Alright, thank you.
And you thought only park guests were stupid. :)