Sunday, September 12, 2004
Aha! It's not my room! It smells like...
It smells like poo outside!
I spend all last week cringing at the delightful *cough, cough* pungent odor of my room every time I opened the door, and began to wonder if maybe there was something that died and is possibly decomposing somewhere under my bed (anyone who has seen my room knows that this is possible) or somewhere else in my room at least.
However, it's not my room (ha! i knew it!)...but outside Johnson smells vaguely like ... well I'm not sure ... but it stinks! Hooray, it's not my room, it's Ripon! Go figure...:)
Anyway, back from the weekend, kind of a relief, I'd say...*sigh*'s going to be one of those weeks again. What was I thinking?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
Incidentally, I learned something new today...well maybe a few days or weeks ago, but everything here blends together we'll pretend it did happen today (it still smells like poo in here, but that's nothing new, see above).
When I moved into my 2nd room this summer, I started having problems with my CD player/radio/alarm clock going off at the most random times of the day. I chalked it up to the rumor that Gold dorms are haunted (really, doesn't surprise me), because I'd never had problems with said CD player/radio/alarm clock going off randomly ever before, and once going back to school, problem seemed solved. Until...
Until I bought my DVD player that is. I think there's some crossing signals there, because now I can hit 'play' on my DVD remote and my CD player will start playing. It's kind of annoying, but at least my room wasn't haunted! (My CD player/radio/alarm clock had never inhabited in a room with a DVD player before) There were some well overtime working spiders there, since huge cobwebs would appear randomly over my bed in the morning that definitely weren't there at night!!!
That and spiders falling randomly on my pillow...oh wait, that was in my first room. :) As if my roommate wasn't creepy enough....