Where did the sheep get tap shoes????
Sunday, September 19, 2004
Minneapolis or South Bend??
The time has come (the Walrus said), to talk of many things...
Many things meaning FALL BREAK! Woohoo! Like graduation, fall break is alas, too far away. However, I probably should start planning now.
My fall break quest is to buy (or at least look at!) an oboe. Yes, I already have one. No, I don't really want to get a new one. But I do kinda need a new one...since I've had the same one since freshman year of high school (yes, high school, back in the stone ages when we had dinosaurs instead of cars and walked to school 10 miles uphill both ways in six feet of snow...yeah, I've been feeling just that old lately!) and quite frankly, there's only so much you can do with an instrument. True, I like the whole I know what to do with the damn thing and I know how it responds and whatnot, but ooh! A new (or new used) oboe! It would be much fun! It really hasn't been my idea so much to get the new oboe, but rather pressure from my teacher. I'm going to stray shortly for one second to just express how I really feel about that: a new oboe is not going to improve what I feel are questionable teaching skills. Okay, enough on that.
So my next dilemma is on where to go look at oboes. Being that double reed specialists are in short supply, there are two big places in the Midwest. One is in South Bend, Indiana. And the other is in Minneapolis.
Now...let's think about this for one brief moment. Where as South Ben is about three hours closer than Minneapolis, plus I'd probably get to see Megan and could probably convince some other CP people that going to South Bend would be a fun trip, not to mention kinda close (I mean in the grand scheme of distance between Wisconsin and Ohio). But c'mon. South Bend? Nothing against South Bend, but it doesn't seem to be the highlight of excitement. But we'll see. Then again...I am tentatively considering some grad schools in Ohio as well, and Indiana is on the way to Ohio....hmm.
Minneapolis on the other hand...
As if going to buy a new oboe would be my only thing to do in MN! I have been tentatively looking at grad school there since, like, I bought my current oboe (that would be in 1997, when I was little freshman) and consequently toured the college (like I remember anything about it, but ehh, details, details). And if I went to Minneapolis, I could see people! Like Erin and Toni and Matt and maybe Tim at Hamline (when was the last time I saw him? 2000?? At the Badger game?? Yikes) and maybe Lizzie could visit from Winona (since there certainly was a lacking this summer being in Ohio)...ooh it'd be fun! If only you weren't in Oshkosh, Adam P - wait, Oshkosh is close to Ripon, never mind :) And I think it might be easier to convince my parents that I could not only look at a new oboe, but check out grad schools too! Well, a grad school anyway. Woohoo! Hmmmm...
So the polls are open now, Minneapolis or South Bend??

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