Where did the sheep get tap shoes????
Monday, October 11, 2004
Okay, so I have a question. Is it possible for the Ripon College internet/email/whatever to be functional for even a week straight?? C'mon guys, this is getting annoying! Once again, it is impossible for me to check my email on the web. And since I'm computer stupid, I haven't figured out how to configure netscape email to pick up my ripon email, or yahoo mail to pick up my ripon mail yet...but I'm working on it (help?). Maybe I'll have that up and running by...um...may 15. Bah.
Today was mediocre. It was a long and extremely boring day. I spent majority of it in Rodman (I know, big surprise!)...but I spent about an hour making phone calls about a new (or new used) oboe!
It's a good thing I'm not going all the way to Minneapolis (sorry everyone who voted Minneapolis) because I think the people at MMI are just fucking morons. My teacher at home has a lovely story about them and her and a stolen English horn. And my phone call to them today had them telling me that my oboe would be bought by them for approximately $1300-1400, not including the 17% consignment fee...so at best I'll get about $1160 from them. Ha. I think not! Just because the oboe is from 1996 doesn't mean it's ANCIENT! And it still plays! Obviously! It just needs a little cleaning up, nothing that a new set of pads and some polishing won't do. And maybe an overhaul. Either way, I should get at least what I paid for it - if not more. I paid $1700 for the damn thing - I hope to get at least $1800...if not more. I checked another website today that was selling used Fox 330s (what I have) from 1996 for $2100! So take that stupid MMI.
Well, maybe I'll take a rain check on that Minneapolis thing for over winter break...and then it won't have to do with oboes, but rather socializing! And I can go to the mall of america (dear everyone, I want money for christmas. Just kidding. That, or a new oboe. Thank you). Hmmmm...
So yes, I'm still in the process of buying a new oboe. I talked to the place in South Bend today as well and they said I could try out new oboes, but that they would charge my credit card the price of the most expensive one, and then I could try them out and if I didn't want them, I could send them back, or if I wanted the less expensive one, they'd refund the difference...blah, blah. Can we say, HELLO POOR COLLEGE STUDENT! I DON'T HAVE $3500 RIGHT NOW THANK YOU!!! Hasn't anyone heard of a like, nominal fee for shipping and a fee for trying out the instrument?? Gahhhhhhhh! I wonder if my parents would temporarily sort-of lend me $3500? Oh look, a pig just flew by my window...
Well...onto to plan, um, Q?

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