Wednesday, October 20, 2004
Pics definitely needed!
Argh, I really wish I'd gotten all the crapola off our scanner at home, because I really would have liked to scan my pics like my friend Elizabeth did! If you're interested in seeing a few of her pics, let me know and I'll get your the address, 'cause you can see me in two pics, as well as my friends Elizabeth (obviously, it's her site!), Steve from Park Plaza, Liz from Front Rentals and Heather from CP Shop...and I don't have pics of any of the above! Liz & Heather said they'd send me some, but I keep forgetting to email to ask them. But then again, I'll be at home all next Saturday with very little to do, so I think I might actually clear off the scanner and scan my pics - 'cause then I can make my scrapbook too!
Anyway, scowls to anyone who is Mozart (i've now had two!!!). :) Just kidding. Well, at least I have somewhat of a connection to Chopin - I'm playing one of his mazurkas on my recital!!!
Anyway, got my registration in to vote! Yay me! At least I hope I didn't forget anything, 'cause that would be just like me!!!! Hopefully I didn't!!
I can't wait till this election is over - the anticipation is killing me. There are certain candidates that I would rather not see be put back in office. Oh wait, I think that gives away who I think is incompetant and foolish (and a number of other adjectives). Not being especially informed in politics, I will keep my political banter to those who know what they're talking about. But I will say that I think if things are kept the way they are now (ie, certain presidents are re-elected), I think the country is fucked.
Ah, well, I don't know exactly where to go from there....
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