Where did the sheep get tap shoes????
Thursday, November 25, 2004
I'm still waiting on formal pictures (cough cough, hint hint), but in the meantime, now that I'm at home and have access to our hard drive with pictures, I have uploaded a bunch on Yahoo photos! Yay! Nothing super exciting - yet. I have to blow the dust off the scanner sometime before Sunday and scan a whole bunch of pics.
In the meantime: http://photos.yahoo.com/mslauren18
Yay! There's some general CP pictures that my parents took on the digital camera, and some of my 21st birthday. Beware, they're kinda fuzzy. Oh well.
Back at home till Sunday. The excitement level has dropped drastically. I think my life is going to revolve around going to the library to get books on German immigrants in Milwaukee (oh yeah, that research paper is due Dec 6. Surprisingly, I haven't started it. Or thought about it. Or even really got a topic yet.), practicing (maybe at church - they have a grand piano there), socializing with my crazy family (haven't seen some of them since February, I'm guessing my cousin is taller than me now, damn), and watching lots of movies. No shopping for me (I don't have a death wish, and Gina's not here), except maybe to the grocery store. Oh, and eating of course. And hopefully hanging out with people I haven't seen for a while. And watching movies, brought lots home! Yup, my life is boring. Too much to do, not enough fun stuff. Siiiiiiiiiiiigh.
I was informed today that Thanksgiving tomorrow has been moved to my aunt's house. This greatly increased my chances of having their dog pee on me AGAIN. Sigh, no repeats of last year please!!!
Ooh, but I still am serious about that whole scarf thing. I started going through my yarn box today - there's a lot of shite in there. Just let me know what colors you want :) Heehee.
Oh, and have a Happy Thanksgiving everyone!!!

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