Where did the sheep get tap shoes????
Wednesday, November 03, 2004
Yup, I've had it already
So...election's over.
Oh yay...so much excitement now...so much fucking drama.
Because everyone else is bitching about the supporters of the opposite candidate, I'd like to take this time to do it as well.
I'm really fucking tired of the supporters of the President who are all "get over it, he lost, obviously the american public voted for bush, blah blah blah, obviously more people wanted bush than kerry, blah blah blah, stop being dramatic, blah blah blah, bush won, etc."
Thanks, we got your point.
Your point did have a few holes.

More people wanted Bush than Kerry, so get over it and accept that it's true.
Okay, I have accepted that Bush obviously won the popular vote (but it's the electoral college, thank you. If there had been a tie like was potentially predicted, would the election have then been determined by the popular vote? oh...looks like a negative on that one! The election would have been then determined by the House, NOT the popular vote, so um. Yeah. Theoretically, Bush could have won the popular vote, or one of the following two scenarios and lost: 1- lost the electoral college vote, 2- tied the electoral college vote and then lost in the deciding vote by the House. Okay, that's what I thought...so big deal. As we found out in 2000, Gore won the popular vote...and who's been in the White House for the past 4 years? Didn't think that question needed answering).
Let's look back at some extreme differences in voting, where there was a HUGE difference in the two candidates, and where I might have been able to accept your argument that more people wanted one person over another.
1984 - Ronald Reagan - 54,281,858, Walter Mondale - 37,457,215
1988 - George Bush - 48,881,221, Michael Dukakis - 41,805,422
1992 - Bill Clinton - 44,908,254, George Bush - 39,102,343, H. Ross Perot - 19,741,065
1996 - Bill Clinton - 47,401,185, Bob Dole - 39,197,469, H. Ross Perot - 8,085,294
2000 - George W Bush - 50,456,167, Al Gore - 50,996,064
Oh. Look at that. Just a reminder that Gore won the popular vote. So that argument doesn't work...obviously the popular vote doesn't really mean anything in a situation like that. Clearly more people voted for Gore. I'm not saying more people voted for Kerry, but you've got an election split that's roughly 59,000,000 and 55,000,000 (i found a couple different numbers so I'm just approximating) which is a 4,000,000 vote difference...which seems like a lot, but really isn't much, given the grand scheme of voting. Clearly, Bush has won. But the problem there is that there are still FIFTY FIVE MILLION people who DID NOT want Bush. It's not just a matter of a huge margin like some of the other elections (not any especially in the above, but definitely in other elections, go to the webpage and check it out).
What I'm saying is that Kerry supporters are upset because a lot of them did put a lot of effort into electing a new president, and then their candidate lost. And there fact is that a lot of people don't want Bush.
So you can tell us to get over it, but it's easier said than done. And I also have zero in the respect department for people that I know would probably be whining just as much if THEIR candidate had lost.

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