Friday, December 17, 2004
Semester done! Finished! Finito! Over! YAY!
YAY! The semester is over! After spending my last night of a fall semester as an undergraduate (hopefully) without sleeping, I'm now off to the grand land of Milwaukee with no real plans for the entire winter break (any ideas???? please??? please???) except for maybe looking at a grad school in Minneapolis as well as visiting Lizzie in Eagan (yay Lizzie!), and possibly visiting Beth & Dana in Ripon! Hooray!!! Other than that my plans don't include much. Oh well.
So if you're in the Milwaukee area anytime between tomorrow and January 15 (or whatever), you best be giving me a call because I'll be bored! Very, very, very VERY bored! So come visit! Come hang out! Milwaukee is a kick ass town, really! Especially if you're over I hear. :)
Anyway, yay to being done!!!!
Off I go to my favoritest city ever - yay Milwaukee!!!! :-)