Where did the sheep get tap shoes????
Thursday, December 02, 2004

Today has already been a rotten day (and it's not even noon!)...so I'm going for things that make me happy...at least somewhat. Yay for pictures.... Posted by Hello

Heather, Megan, me and Donna ... no, Chrystina, we didn't all plan to wear gray (though it is kinda funny, since we all matched all the rest of the time too - yay Snoopy!)

However, speaking of Megan, it's her 21st birthday, so she deserves a special song:
*ahem, ahem*
Happy birthday to you
You live in a zoo
You smell like a monkey...
and you look like one too!

Have a great 21st birthday, and don't do what I did on my 21st. Wait, yes, you should. :) (and feel honored. you're only the 2nd person this year that i've 'sung' my birthday song on my blog to!)

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