Friday, December 10, 2004
What scenery? I think someone turned the lights out. In fact, I'd go so far as to say things can't get worse than...I gotta quit saying that!
Five points if you can identify the title quote. :)
It's been a somewhat uneventful week in my world. After the excitement on Tuesday, life has died down to a boring crawl. But that's to be expected the week before finals. And juries. Blegh.
No classes today! Hooray! However, for those of you who are jealous, don't be. I have things all afternoon today, and all morning (what? morning? it's saturday!) tomorrow! Can't wait till tomorrow night...
Why can't I wait till tomorrow night?
2-2:30: rehearse with austin, nothing like last minute jury rehearsal. perhaps i should consider practicing the other piece i have for juries. nahhh.
2:45ish: go to the bank to switch over the panhel checkbook.
3:30ish: back to rodman (i'm a human yo-yo!) to do some more last minute jury practice (maybe travis & i should meet....)
4:30-5:20: choraliers fun! no.
7:00: collegium concert. yay.
after that...sleep! or find people to stay up till 6am with. nah, i think i'm going to pass on that, only because i'm dead tired. :)
8:00: down to rodman! nothing like getting it in early. boooooooooooo. and maybe going to breakfast. do they even have breakfast on saturday??? mmmm, french toast. but that means getting up at the butt-crack of dawn. fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck.
9:30-10:30: room or resource center?? must remember to bring blanket. :)
11:00: oboe jury. wish me luck. bah. :)
sometime after that: jury for travis.
3:30: choraliers! yay! fun! yay!
4:00: heidel house! will try to not be a group of clowns, and i think i'll try to not have to half-strip in the parking lot. that was kinda dicey. but then again, i have like, 42 singles in my drawer, so what does that say?? (it's caroling money! i swear!)
after that: dinner! yay! gooseblind fun!
Yeah, there's my next two days. I can't wait till it's over!!!!
Then I have nothing until next Thursday at 8am!! Too bad I didn't have something exciting to do, the idea of a road trip was suggested to me! If I had a car...but where would I go anyway? Oh well.
In celebration of having nothing really to do last night, I spent far too much time getting into the season with Christmas movies. But it's so much fun! I have Muppet Family Christmas, A Christmas Carol (with George C Scott), Claymation Christmas, Muppet Christmas Carol, Garfield's Christmas Special, A Charlie Brown Christmas, and It's Christmastime Again, Charlie Brown. Yes, I am a very big dork when it comes to Christmas cheer in the form of movies and TV specials. Whatever happened to Claymation Christmas?? That's like, my favorite! They really need to re-release that one or something!!!!
Kali is going to teach me how to circular knit tomorrow on the circular needle she was awesome enough to get for me!! (Harry Potter scarf! Harry Potter scarf!) I'm also almost done with the pink and blue scarf I've been working on since sometime in 2002. Yay me!
(Watching Claymation Christmas again - giggle)
Blah de blah, it's now almost 6:30 (i love the 'save as draft' feature.)
Went out for fries with Joe, now going to have pizza with Stephanie & Margaret during the Collegium concert, and then watch Dogma with Steph later! Woohoo! It's an exciting day! Or night. But I have to be up too-fucking-early tomorrow morning. Do they really have breakfast on Saturdays?? I'm going to need my caffeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeine! :)
I'm sleeping till 3pm on Sunday, don't plan on waking me. ;)
Gave Stephanie her fun fun present was even gift-wrapped and had a pretty bow (that i accidentally sort-of smashed carrying it down to rodman along with my sandwich and the umbrella) and a note. Who would have thought it would be hard to gift-wrap a BRICK??? Uh, yeah. It's not easy. At least I had troubles with it. Maybe it's just me. There's green and silver wrapping paper all over my room. Upon seeing the final wrapped brick, it looked not as good, so I stole the silver ribbon leftover on the wall outside my door (yea leftovers from formal decorations! woohoo!). And Stephanie loved the brick. She took it to class and everything!! Everyone else was somewhat baffled that I would give her a brick AND gift-wrap it, but hey, I understood, Steph understood, and there are other people that understand as well. :)
I'm also trying to decide what to do over winter break. I probably will only be able to watch so many movies (and my parents don't have that whole MVP thing at hollywood, though perhaps they should consider it. or I should consider it. Or something. But the Hollywood video in Shorewood blows monkeys. They didn't even have Robin Hood Men in Tights last time I was there. Boo.) and count so many ceiling tiles (come to think of it, i think most of our ceilings are plaster. fuuuuuuuuuuuuck. there goes my plan for break! maybe i'll count paneling in the den...).
So, what should I do for winter break????
Anyway, time to change for collegium. As head student worker, I probably shouldn't go wearing jeans. Rats.