Monday, January 24, 2005
I'm starting to think that I must have the most boring existance known to man...
Well, maybe not, but it sure seems like it these days! Eh! School is sooooooooo boring. I always get fed up with school at least once a semester and declare that I have the worst case of senioritis I've ever seen (if I can really be called an expert on senioritis!)...and then another semester hits. :) However, of the *counts* seven school years that I've declared that I have senioritis, only two of those times have I actually been a senior (you know it's bad when you're a freshman in college...)! But now I can say I think I have the worst case of senioritis ever! BAH!
I can't really complain too much about my course load, since it's pretty much non-existant. But I don't like school. I guess I just never have. It's not that I hate it, it's not that anything bad has happened to make me curse at institutions in general, or anything like that...I just don't like school. Yet I'm planning to get a master's, why? I'm not sure. Ask me in a few years when I've started applying to grad schools. Grad school is definitely not in my near future. At least I don't think so. More undergrad maybe, but definitely not grad, for a while anyway. And the only way I'd go back to undergrad is to get my teaching certification. And surprise! it wouldn't be at Ripon, that's for damn sure! :) Maybe Alverno, or Carroll, or *grumbles* UW-M...or maybe I'll go somewhere out of Milwaukee *gasp*, like Madison or Whitewater or something...but probably not Madison for education, since they have to have like a cumulative 3.8 to get into the school of ed or something ridiculous like that (and I've only had a 3.8 twice - and once it was a mistake! *shakes fist at registrar's office).
The good news about being a senior is that there's some champagne toast or something on Saturday with the President of the college or something blah blah blah - I don't even like champagne, I think it tastes funny and the bubbles make me cough, but hey, it's a senior monument..or something. And the hundred days party is in less than two weeks! Huzzah!!!
Uff. Anyway, so I had to spend the entire day in Rodman. Thaaaaaaaaaaat was fun. I didn't get up in time (big surprise!) because I made the stupid mistake of deciding to watch America's Sweethearts before bed (bad idea...i always get sucked into the plot!) and consequently didn't fall asleep till waaaaaaaaaay later than I thought. That and maybe sleeping my hangover off all day probably threw my sleep schedule a bit out of whack too. Hmm?
Ooh! I did my reading for sem this afternoon, and I was greatly amused by three sentences in the reading:
"There is no reason to anticipate that the presidency is going to diminish significantly in the twenty-first century..."
--from an essay written sometime between 1996-2000...HA! Oh dear Mr Leuchtenburg, if only you know...made me laugh, anyway.
"The party of Lincoln, now captured by souther and western interests, would in the decades to follow become the party of evangelical Christians and cowboy capitalists."
--also from an essay written before Evangelical Christian and cowboy capitalists...sounds vaguely familiar. But I haven't the slightest idea why...;)
And my favorite:
"In at least one respect, liberalism resembles pornography...we can't define it but we know it when we see it."
--Um. What? Definitely caught my attention (first sentence of the essay) but it kinda failed to ever really get explained, or tied up in the end. But, nevertheless funny.
Changing the subject...
I think I'm going to close the polls earlier, because quite frankly, goose is blowing grey duck out of the water. Teehee. So cast your vote no later than Wednesday, January 26, at 11:59 CST, please! :)
And damn, forgot to practice the saxophone this week. Oh well. I never practiced the flute when I was learning it either. Besides, I already play flute and oboe, so saxophone fingerings don't seem to be much different, so hopefully I can retain that! Hehehe.
Steph is tempting me with the idea of re-joining orchestra again to make the director's life miserable, and Jenny tempted me with the idea of just coming and going as I please (I'm sorry Professor Graham, I won't be there till 7:30 because Joey is on TV at 7:00...). Then again, I could just combine both and see where that leads me!! Oh the evilness...
Anyway, off to go do some history reading for class tomorrow...we'll see if I can focus long enough (ooh shiny things! and ladybugs!)!!