Tuesday, January 18, 2005
It was only the first day back!
Monday, January 17...couldn't have gotten worse. Well, I suppose it could have, but I really don't want to guess how. I think my bad day actually started at midnight, so I hadn't even gone to bed and Monday was already terrible. I slept like shit last night...I doubt I got more than two consecutive hours of sleep the whole night between like, 3:30 when I finally fell asleep and 9:30 when I realized there was no point in staying in bed anymore.
Upon getting up, I realized that the temperature outside was roughly the same temperature as Antarctica, so the prospect of leaving my room was definitely NOT appealing. It took a good two hours or so to motivate myself to leave, in the meantime finding out that my recital date had to be changed (see previous entry), and now I have a tentative recital date that's way too late for my tastes (there was a reason I picked April 10 to begin with) or a recital date that means I have to share my recital weekend with someone else (they're on different days, but I don't want to have to worry about sharing the recital hall the week previous...). So either way, blah! I'll keep everyone posted though.
Then I went over to the business office to get my registration packet. I had to go alone, which sucked a lot, and sucked even more when I realized that the unpaid account line was about a mile long. I didn't think there was a chance in hell that my tuition had gotten paid because there wasn't mail today, so there I stood, waiting. I passed Joe at one point, but that only lasted like five minutes. Either way, it turned out that my account was paid anyway. DAMNIT!
So then Joe had some ghastly news to pass along. Some people just suck. A LOT. I'm not going to elaborate, but seriously, LET IT GO!
Registration packet in hand, I headed down the trail to Storzer, and was frozen by the time I got there. I handed in my schedule for lessons (and it's wrong. damnit!), got some classes shuffled around, and got all my classes added/dropped.
Then I had to get my advisor to sign it. In the traditional Professor Dietrich style, he sent me a, well, um, Professor D like glare (I don't know if it's really a glare, so much...), er, well, Professor D-like look of disapproval when he saw that I was dropping orchestra. He told me he was going to refrain from commenting but that 'he feels that I should play.' Whatever.
Spent the rest of the day in my room, moping, and had a bright few moments when I realized that I could possibly escape hell from Thursday night to Saturday morning, but now there's a student worker meeting on Friday at 3:00. It was planned by all the important type workers and stuff. I guess being co-head student worker means jack shit these days, huh.
Is it May 15 yet????