Thursday, January 20, 2005
Well, today was another lousy day. That makes 50% of my days since getting back to Ripon lousy. Blahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!
I'm still thinking of discontinuing the blog, at least for a while. I know, I said I wouldn't post much after April 8, 2004...which I didn't manage to do, but I did go on hiatus allllllllllll summer (but that wasn't my fault. those stupid computer kiosks in the gold dorm lounge wouldn't even load blogger). Anyway, lately, I've just had some serious, serious, serious, SERIOUS issues with some people. Okay, one person. And as much as I'd really like to go to that person and tell them to their face what a self-centered, conniving little bitch I think they are, I'm not going to. I'm sure you probably think I should. But a-I'm too nice, and b-I'm too chicken. Probably more b than a, because I don't have any sympathy for them at all anymore. And being that I am way too nice for my own good, I have to reaaaaaaaaaaallllllllllly hate a person to have absolutely no sympathy for them. Yikes. I hope they don't piss me off to my face again in the near future...
So I know that people like reading about my life. Right now, however, my life is extremely boring. I don't really have much interesting stuff to say, and I'm bored out of my skull with life. At least the way life is right now, anyway.
Uff. Anyway.
Today was more lousy than good, and I managed to get seriously pissed off at a few more people than normal. That's kinda weird. I usually try not to get pissed off at too many people in one day, but today was extra special in the pissed-off department, I guess.
But I did learn how to play Row, Row, Row Your Boat on the saxophone, and so did Krysta, and we learned to play it as a round. So that was fun.
And my cell phone works again (okay, so that happened yesterday but I'm still psyched about it). But I haven't gotten near my high score from my old phone in Snake II (the most addicting cell phone game known to man - I just dare you to find one that's more addicting), so I have something to work for. My sister left a nice little post-it not on the inside of her phone manuel, so I actually know the security code for the phone. And after band, my cell rang, and it was Ryan Hazelwood! So I actually got to talk to Ryan today! (Like I said...I totally suck at returning phone calls...). So that was pretty exciting.
And I found my giant Hershey bar (or the remains of it). Always cure a bad day with chocolate. I don't know if it works...
Tomorrow, I might try to convince myself not to discontinue the blog. But any other reasons (whether you left one or not) are still acceptable.