Where did the sheep get tap shoes????
Friday, January 14, 2005
Three days! Wheeeeeeee!
Finally! Only three days left in break. This has been one of the faster moving winter breaks in the history of my college career (so, the fastest of the four, but whatever), but nevertheless it was one of the more painful ones! I better not ever have to spend this much consecutive time in my parents house ever again! I better find a roommate and an apartment and whatnot (heh, maybe I'll live with one of the Adams) and it better be SOON after graduation! Like, no later than July! :)
My senior sem professor emailed us all today - we've already got a homework assignment! If I was a good student, I would have thought about starting it before the end of break, but since I'm not a good student (or at least I don't care...), I won't start it. Oh, and I don't have the textbook. But I did manage to open the attachment now, so hooray, I can read the assignment, and still put it off till next Sunday. Bah to homework! But at least right now I can blame it on the fact that I don't have the textbook yet!! Score.
I have to admit, I am going to miss being at home. I will miss my cats. That's about it. I won't miss my sister and her early morning phone calls to her boyfriend that make me want to hurl. I definitely won't miss my parents! It will be nice to spend lazy Fridays without having that feeling that I should be doing something productive. It will be nice to have people around that either care about my feelings or just don't associate with me. I am going to miss hanging out with Joe here in Milwaukee though. It's way more fun to hang out in Milwaukee than in Ripon, and usually means more adventures! Or just funny experiences. You know, the usual. Besides, there's considerably more time to kill in Milwaukee than in Ripon, what with that school thing.
Still nothing on cell phone, but I've found I've been able to live without it!
Tonight I totally vegged out on the couch and watched Thursday night TV. I haven't done that since high school! And even then it was only for a semester too! I always had to work on Thursday nights, and piano lessons, then once I got to college it was orchestra. So now, 2nd semester senior year, no orchestra means Thursday night TV! Yay! I actually like Joey, and Committed, and Will & Grace, and I've always liked ER (I usually got to watch parts of this in high school, 'cause I was done with stuff at 9, but never the whole thing, 'cause I had to get home after that, so I missed the first 1/4 of the show). Gee, I didn't realize quitting orchestra was going to provide me with so many perks! No evil orchestra director, no librarian bitch work, nothing to do on Thursday nights....and Thursday night TV! Yea!!!
So the first weekend back at school is going to be soooooooo much fun! Jenny, Buddy, Beth Huber, Shannon and Becky are coming back to visit! And now that I'm actually of age, we can all go out to the bars together! Buddy and I have meant to go to the bars together before, but it's never happened - once we never connected, and the 2nd time I went to the bars and he went to Seasons to catch the jazz group. So hooray! Jenny always used to talk about how much fun it was to go out drinking and how she wished I could have come along...and now both Motz AND I can go! Woohoo! That's going to make the first weekend back worthwhile!!! Yea!!!
So, I'm semi-sad about the whole break thing ending, but mostly, I can't wait. One more formal, one more bid weekend, one senior sem in history, one senior recital, one history class, one woodwind tech class, hopefully some grad school visits (but let's not cross our fingers), one variety show....and sixteen weeks left of college. Wow.

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