Where did the sheep get tap shoes????
Tuesday, January 25, 2005
Too much organ music causes headaches...
Which should prove interesting for tomorrow's ORGAN lesson! :) Well I don't have my shoes anyway, not yet. I might have to either borrow some, or just wear socks tomorrow. It's not like I can use the pedals anyway. It's hard enough coordinating two hands, and like, four keyboards, AND the pedals?? you've got to be kidding me...
I spent an enjoyable night at work today reading about the Salem Witch Trials (and Jen ROCKS for lending me her book while mine is somewhere in the hands of the post office), and listening to a plethora of music...PDQ Bach's Chorale Preludes (let's see if I can remember the title of this one...Chorale for the Last Sunday before the Fourth day of the Seventh Month...figure that one out!! hehehehe), PDQ Bach's opera, Hansel and Gretel and Ted and Alice (an opera in one unnatural act), Schickele's Unbegun Symphony, PDQ Bach's Pervtimento for Bagpipes, Balloons, and Bicycle, the Calliope Sonata, and then some normal stuff: The Splendor of Baroque Brass, Vaughan Williams' Sea Songs, Grainger's Colonial Song, Bugler's Holiday, and waaaaaaaaaaaay too much J.S. Bach organ music (hence, the headache...). I know we have a record somewhere of the Eastman Wind Ensemble doing Fantasia in G Minor, I think, gotta find that.
I went on a quest to find the entire chorale for Wachet Auf today, but was highly unsuccessful (no CD??? bah to records!), but in the meantime, I found Schubert's Die Forelle on a CD of random soprano music that was catalogued under Bach. There were like, three Schubert pieces on there, some Schumann, and other composers and junk, but it was catalogued under Bach, for which there was only one Bach piece. Go figure. And yesterday, one of the philosophy professors (that guy who has a beard and plays the cello...right) was in the resource center looking for Die Forelle on CD. But of course I couldn't find it (because I didn't think to look under Bach...). Well, eventually I figured out who the professor was, and sent him an email and put it on reserve for him, but I'm guessing the class he wanted the music for was probably today, so I think I might be too late. So looking for a Bach chorale leading to finding Schubert songs about fish. Okay.
Back to my organ shoes, yay! I can't wait till my parents send them. I love my pretty silver organ shoes, it's like the Wizard of Oz (and yes, I know that in the MOVIE, she wears ruby slippers, but go read the BOOK, and you will see that she wears silver shoes, you uncultured types). I was going to read some more of the Oz Chronicles today at work, but the history reading took slightly longer than I intended...oh well.
I got another prescription today, which was fairly easy. I think they prescribe it for a year too, so we'll see if I get 12 months worth or 3 months or whatever...12 months would be great, because I think I'm only covered on the insurance for a lil' while longer...:) So hopefully this pill change won't be as terrible as the last pill changes were. But on the plus side, there are benefits to having a pill for a year! Yay sex! (agh, I sound like Ambre). ;) Now if only I could find someone...hey, let me know! No! Just kidding! please don't let me know. I mean, unless I know already. I mean, I really don't want to know if anyone out there wants to screw me (though after that posting about boobs...). That and it might be hard to explain. Um.
I'm going to go now, because where do I go from here???
Oh shit, I hope my parents don't read this!!! :)

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