Wednesday, January 19, 2005
My cell phone is fixed! Well, *my* cell phone isn't fixed, because it's beyond repair...but I have a functional cell phone (even though it's not the same, sniffle), with the same phone number. And my voice mail even got switched over! I'm going to have to re-record my voice message though. Today, before I called Cingular to activate my new (rather my new old phone) phone, I called my voice mailbox from my room phone (ha! i'm only took me a week to figure THAT one out...), and I sounded like I was going to burst into tears or something. Blah! What is it (I guess I should say was it) about my (old) cell that makes me sound like I'm crying?? LoL :)
Funny side story: This summer, when I was en route to Milwaukee from Sandusky, I missed my connecting train (not by my own fault) from Chicago to Milwaukee by seriously five minutes, and I got stuck in the Chicago train station with a shitload of stuff, and nothing to do for three hours, so I decided to catch up on my phone calls while I was eating Chinese food (which was possibly the worst Chinese food I've ever eaten), so I called Buddy back and left him a message, and then I called my aunt to see if she would be in town over my birthday weekend, and as soon as we finished the 'hi, how are you' routine, she was like, wow, are you okay? you sound like you're in tears? I was like, um, well, no...I'm sitting here eating Chinese. So then while I was on the phone with my aunt, Buddy called back but I didn't switch over when the call-waiting beeped, so then I listened to his voice message, and he was like "dude, are you okay? you sound like you're crying..." It was funny. Anyway...
So I'm going to have to re-record my voice message. Hopefully I won't sound so depressed.
So to add to yesterday's bad day (I forgot to mention this), I was walking from Rodman/Storzer to the mail room yesterday, and cut across the grass that used to be the Memorial gym or whatever, and wasn't paying attention, so I kicked a ROCK with my LEFT FOOT! Yeah. PAIN! Lots and lots of pain. I'm now on a quest for a lovely blue-purple nail polish...yick. I need to stop being such a friggin' klutz. All else fails, I'm going to have to paint my toe nails black. Maybe I'll add a sparkly nail polish over the black. Hmmm...Besides, if I paint them black (there's a rolling stones song in here somewhere), they'll most likely match whatever formal dress I wear, and my shoes. Which will probably be flip flops again. I even got a new pair of black flip flops over break! Yea!
I guess I'm going to have to call Adam soon! I'm such a sucky friend when it comes to returning phone calls. I mean, he only called me like, a week ago, um, Saturday. So a week and a half ago. I suck! He goes to school in Milwaukee too! Oh well. Hmph. During spring break if I'm not elsewhere on an exciting spring break trip (yeah, right) and I'm stuck in Milwaukee, I'm going to have to make one of my destinations Marquette.
Speaking of returning/making phone calls, I was supposed to call my mother on Sunday. Whoops. In my defense however, I didn't have a cell phone, and they still haven't figured out my room number. I don't know why it's so complicated, since it's been written on the side of the fridge for um, two years now. I guess I can understand the complication since I had this room number written down first semester last year, then I moved, and changed the last digit from 5 to 8, and then before leaving for school again in August, crossed off the 8 and wrote a 5 again...but still. I mean, it's not nearly as complicated as my number this summer in my room, which was one general housing number, and then having to know the extension of the room, which was 5 + the floor you were on (in my case 1 for 2nd floor, and 0 for first floor) + the room number (39 and 07)...which is why everyone called my cell in the first place.
I can't believe I lived almost a week without my cell. I hardly even noticed it was missing. I guess I'm not as dependent on it as I think. I'm sure that will change when I move into an apartment or something after college, because I doubt I'll have a landline, but hey, as for right now...
Ooh! Megan! I got my memory book! I know, a month later...but it's because I gave them my school address so that they would mail my last check and the bonus check to school rather than home. I didn't even think about the memory book. God, we look like such dweebs in the Snoopy Boutique pictures. Bah! I totally remember that day! That was one of the first days I spent talking (bonding!) with you!! Ahahahaha! That was before we spent all of our breaks together, and actually worked on the register rather than hiding out in the stockroom (dropping entire bags of jumpers ON MY HEAD! and hearing Jason talk about shooting a bums with a BB gun...yeah. we were SO productive) Ah well...
Anywho...I'm still thinking about discontinuing the blog, but I appreciate the feedback. My logic right now is that I should probably put forth my effort in writing my senior sem (which, incidentally, I need to have a topic by MONDAY! MONDAY! ARGHHHHHHHHH! I don't know! folk music? jazz? oh, i know. i'll go with my first roommate from this summer's idea...and i'll write a history of amusement parks or something. yeah. NO.), and the four or five papers for my History 346 class. And, oh yeah, practicing (buuuuuuuuuuuut my time has extended by two weeks! April 24! mark your calendars!). But we'll see.
Tomorrow I get to learn how to play the saxophone! Yippeeeeeeeeeeeee!