Where did the sheep get tap shoes????
Monday, February 07, 2005
And now, an ode to Valentine's Day...
Ode to Valentine's Day
Dear Valentine's Day...
How I hate you.

There's my ode to Valentine's Day.
I hate Valentine's Day. I hate Valentine's Day because it is SUCH a bi-polar holiday (to quote Ally). And when you think about it, it really is. I mean, all the attached-types revel in the opportunity to get each other flowers and chocolates and go out for romantic dinners, blah blah blah. It's enough to make a person barf.
Which is exactly what the non-attached types are doing. Barfing. Or celebrating their single-ness. Ah! Freshman year, that was kick ass. Emily & I walked down to Piggly-Wiggly, bought chips, dip, cookies, soda, popcorn, and had a 'Singles Appreciation Day' party! It was so much fun!
But even not being single, I despise the holiday. I always have. From the end of December until friggin' February 14, every single friggin' store on the face of the planet is overrun by pink, red, white, and lots of hearts. And cupids. Barfffffffffffffffff. Even the gas stations are not immune to this! A Kwik trip run with Stephanie and Elizabeth after band the other day to get hot dogs, cappucinos, and other necessary 'late night' foods yielded a section dedicated to the candy hearts and chocolate.
So next week Monday, I will be in class all day. And then I will most likely be back in my room, watching TV. Valentine's Day? Horseshit.
Gotta love bipolar holidays!
So, who's with me in hating Valentine's Day?????

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