Where did the sheep get tap shoes????
Thursday, February 10, 2005
Dear Plant Department,
Today, I woke up around 6:25 for whatever reason. My alarm wasn't due to go off for another hour and a half. The first thing I noticed was that my hair was still extremely damp. Having showered about five hours earlier, I found this a bit odd. Yes, I do sleep with my window open and the fan on low, but I still found it strange that my hair was that damp still five hours later. Then I noticed that my feet were absolutely numb, and that my blankets felt like ice. So I jumped out of bed (yikes!) and decided that the temperature of my room must be somewhere below freezing. I closed the window and turned off the fan, deciding it must be colder than usual. But out of curiosity, I ran my hand along the heater.
Yay! My heater's broken!!!!
Yes, I am being extremely sarcastic.
I think my feet got frostbite.
So instead of sleeping in a tshirt and boxers, I had to put on a long sleeved shirt, pj pants, AND socks.
And I was STILL freezing.
It took me considerably longer to get out of bed this morning...but now that I'm up...
Plant better friggin' fix my heat today!!!!!!!!!!!!! Otherwise I'm going to sleep in my coat tonight. And too bad I don't have snowpants. :)

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