Wednesday, February 23, 2005
A happy day.... a day where my entire outfit is coordinated around the best shoes ever - my red shoes!
Life does not get much better than red shoes. So what if the red in my sweater didn't exactly match the red in my shoes?? Life ought to revolve around red shoes. I am, of course, exaggerating, but still. Red shoes are fun...because a-they stand out, b-it takes talent to pull off red shoes, and c-they are red. :)
As for the rest of my day, it was fairly inconsequential. No more random phone calls from Royal Shoe Shine.
Clarinet test tomorrow - may not actually fail. May actually get a C. Then I get to look forward to three weeks of flute, and three weeks of oboe, and then bassoon (which should not be so bad as clarinet based on the fact that bassoon only has one set of fingerings, which is the whole reason that clarinet sucks monkeys in the first place - TWO sets of fingers. 123456 is not just D anymore! It is D in the clarion range, and G in the chalemeau range. Whoever invented ranges with different sets of fingerings should be shot. And a register key that is an octave and fifth? What is that??? Anyway...)
Okay, so there is a boy in my history class that looks freakishly like my ex. It's starting to get annoying (not by his fault of course - it's not his fault he looks like my ex!). And of course I keep getting put into a group with him! I can barely even look at him because I'm so going to just burst out laughing at some point. And it's not even like my ex is really all that common looking. He doesn't have a familiar face! So it's gotta be some sort of fluke of nature that there are two boys who look that freakishly similar. He even TALKS like my ex. And he has that aura too...*shudder*. I'm going to burst out laughing at some point during this class....gahhhhhhhhhh.
I have less than TWO WEEKS to write a 5-8 PAGE START on my SENIOR SEM PAPER! What is this??? Who makes a person actually START working on sem?? And I am supposed to have the beginning of my program notes written by THURSDAY! Why do they make me do things AHEAD of time?????
I should probably start this whole practicing stuff, and maybe soon. In the meantime, I have less than two months to write a senior sem. I should probably start thinking about it....damn the double major!
It actually occured to me recently that I picked the wrong school to major in history...
Why's that?
The history department here has four professors...
I hate American history - and Blake & McGowan are primarily American history professors.
I hate political history - Matzke is a political history professor.
And I REALLY hate medieval and renaissance history - so much for Mockridge classes.
That leaves - well Bessant - but he's on sabbatical this year, and I only got a chance to take one class with him - probably my favorite history class at Ripon. Go figure.
So I would probably have been a much better history major should I have had the chance to study more African history, European history (not political and economic!), Asian history, and/or Latin American history. I think that's about everything except Australian history...definitely the wrong school to be a history major. :)