Where did the sheep get tap shoes????
Wednesday, February 16, 2005
If I had a car...
I would be out of Ripon faster than you can say Kirin or bread.
Holy monkeys.
This is like, prime music time for me right now!!!
Wednesday night, Jump is in Chicago (Chicago? wtf. why not Milwaukee??? HELLO??? Jump?? GO TO MILWAUKEE AGAIN! I have been following your road shows and you haven't been to Milwaukee since 1999!!!! HELLO???? 1999????? That was a LONG ASS TIME AGO!! I know at least two people - myself included - who would be happy to see you in Milwaukee again since the last time you were there, I was like, 16, wait, no 15, hadn't even turned 16 yet! Anyway, GO BACK TO MILWAUKEE!!!!)...so I would go to Chicago tonight (eh, class-schmass)....and then tomorrow I would go to Madison to see Sam Shaber (yea!!), and then I would go to Milwaukee for the weekend just because I could (or maybe elsewhere, I dunno where I'd go though)...and then Keane! Keane is in Milwaukee on friggin' Sunday. SUNDAY! Why must it be SUNDAY?? Why can't it be SATURDAY??? If it was Saturday, I would SO be there....but as it stands, I have no car. So that means no concerts, or road trips. Not that I have anywhere to road trip to, really, though...:(
p.s. if you are in any of the Sam Shaber locations, you should totally go, and you should record the concert (because you can! she said so!), and get me a copy. I would be forever indebted to you! Just in case you forgot -
tonight (wednesday) - UW-Platteville
tomorrow - Madison
friday - St. Paul.
p.p.s. yes, i realize i would probably owe you something, but i have no idea what? how about chocolate? and of course it would depend on who i am forever indebted to...c'mon people, be creative! (within REASON, thank you)

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