Tuesday, February 01, 2005
Mozart balls!
Ummm...that sounds kind of wrong in writing, doesn't it???
Anyway, after lunch I went to check my mail, and yea! I had mail. It was a very lumpy envelope, so my curiosity was piqued...
Inside were two chocolate balls, or something, and a note:
I spent some time in Austria over winter break and I was in Salzburg for four days. I toured Mozart's birth home...Anyway, there are lots of stores selling Mozart chocolates. I affectionately christened these delights 'Mozart Balls"...Anyway, I have a lot of them. And I thought, who would enjoy a good Mozart ball? And I thought, Lauren's a music amjor. Mozart wrote music. Lauren likes Mozart. Lauren likes Mozart balls (this may be faulty logic because obviously Mozart was more than his balls, but I dropped out of my logic class). Anyway, here's Mozart balls! Maybe they will be an inspiration for your April oboe concert!
Unnnnnnnnnreal. I LOVE that logic. :) It make me laugh, and the Mozart balls are very cute, and it was very sweet. I must write her a note back (but I have nothing exciting to pass along in return, since my travels extended only to the metro Milwaukee area and Appleton...score).
Speaking of my recital, I have less hostility towards it than I did earlier, based on the fact that a- It's tentatively moved to the day before it would have been, April 23rd instead of the 24th, still at 3:15 (and this is good, 'cause Saturday concert = going out drinking and partying afterwards!! hehehehe), and b- my oboe teacher actually cancelled plans to go to Germany in April because my recital date had been on April 10, so she doesn't get to go to Germany for, well, basically no reason. So that SUCKS. So yeah.
Okay...here goes: April 23, Demmer Hall, 3:15 PM. Be there! (hopefully no more changes!)
So today, I managed to get out of bed approximately 20 minutes before class started, so I didn't get that whole "you look cute" today thing going on that I did yesterday, because I actually woke up an hour and a half before work, and had time not only to shower and leave, but to shower, get dressed, partially dry my hair, and *gasp* put on more than just mascara. Whoa. For the quintessential late-sleeper, throw on a pair of jeans kind of girl...
I'm starting to think there might be benefits to doing that more often. Now, if only I had someone to actually get my lazy ass out of bed in the mornings. :)