Wednesday, February 02, 2005
New psycho addictions!
Okay, so last week I was totally addicted to TV shows (namely, MASH), and absolutely had to have season 2 (and 3, and 4, and 5, and 6, and 7....and 8 comes out in June...). While I'm still addicted, I've had to lay MASH to rest for right now because I am completely obsessed with Garden State!!!!
That's right.
I am completely obsessed.
I bought Garden State shortly after it came out but never got around to watching the whole thing until Saturday. And then it was kind of a good movie, but nothing to get excited about.
(Famous Last Words!)
Anyway, now I'm completely obsessed. I've watched it three times in four days, and I borrowed the soundtrack from Emily last night to, um, borrow...
I've listened to it like, eight million times already, and I even tried to find AA batteries that were functional so that I could bring my CD player down to band and have something to occupy myself on the Ho Chi Minh trail...
(no such luck) I had to go an entire THREE hours without listening to it. :) I know, insane.
It's not only a great movie, but it's a great soundtrack!!! Apparently Zach Braff (the lead actor and writer and director of the movie) hand-picked the soundtrack and had the actors listen to it to make sure they liked it. Or something.
(I got that knowledge from my friend Tiff, who is far more obsessed with Garden State than I am!)
So yay for my obsession of the week. Or however long. We'll see how long this one lasts. But in the meantime, everyone should go out and watch Garden State and then listen to the soundtrack.
Like I said, it may take a few movie viewings to really start to like it, but mannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn! :)
Anyway, sorry if my writing about Kurt depressed anyone. I mean, not in a bad way. It was depressing. Unfortunately, that's life sometimes.
Let's see...
Nothing else really spectacular today. I didn't do so hot on my saxophone test, and she was really critical of our playing, so I don't think I did well on that. Eh. I don't really care all that terribly much, but at the same time, I know I knew my shit...oh well.
I learned how to use Sibelius last night!! I had to transpose an E-flat horn part into F, and it's a lot easier to put the E-flat part into a computer program and then hit the "transpose" button! :) Even though we transposed it wrong, and I almost send Elizabeth home with the part in the wrong key, but luckily we fixed it.
Today, I wrote out the cello part to the Mozart oboe quartet so that Tom has something legible to read...finished that and then started on the score, because there's a function on Sibelius that allows you to get parts out of a score, and that way I can listen to the score to make sure that it all sounds right and stuff. Yea for that! I am a total MUSIC GEEK! Woohoo!
Today, one of our dumber students was working in the resource center, putting away the CD cards. The CD cards are blue, and the CD reserve cards are white. We have three huge boxes of the white reserve cards. Huge, long, very obviously WHITE cards. So our student worker was sitting in the resource center filing the BLUE cards into the WHITE CARD boxes. Luckily, I walked in after she had filed away between six or seven blue cards, and I was like 'um, what are you doing?' and she was like 'my job!' (insert snotty attitude). I was like, 'um, why are you putting the blue cards in with the white cards???' So the she's like 'they don't go there?' I had to seriously resist the urge to do a dance and sing "one of these things is not like the other...." but I was very nice about it, and explained where to put the blue cards. Yeah, we have some brilliant ones down there...or not.
Probably should go pretend to do my reading on the Salem witch trials. Boo. :)