Where did the sheep get tap shoes????
Tuesday, February 22, 2005
Playing hooky...
Yep, that's what I did alllllllllllllllllllllll day. I totally played hooky. And I have absolutely no feelings of remorse or guilt or anything. Bah! Everyone needs a day off, and while yes, I totally realize that I had Friday off in addition to the weekend, I still needed a day off. It's just been one of those kinds of days. It's probably not a good sign for the rest of the week...including one clarinet playing test on Wednesday! (of which I will certainly fail).
Moving right along...the boy and I finally got around to the whole Valentine's Day thing (including the whole buying aspect ... whoops). I got him Family Guy season 3 (which was actually my OWN idea - not his, though he had sort-of hinted at it, but by the time he had hinted, i had already decided). Being a Family Guy virgin, I watched a few episodes with him last night. Hilarious stuff, yo! :) Huh, I guess that's what all the fuss is about!!! As for me, he got me M*A*S*H, season two! Totally excited about that! I now have something to tide me over now that I've finished season one of Alf....which was HILARIOUS, not stupid, incidentally. :) And he also got me Garfield: Travel Adventures, which was not as cool as the other two volumes, but hey, it's Garfield. And then Volume Three of Garfield & Friends comes out on April 19 (happy post-recital Lauren.....). I should probably prioritize that whole sem bullshit and practicing bullshit, but eh, whatever.
After dinner last night at Victoria's, we made a quick pit stop at Target, where I joyously discovered my gift certificate from my grandparents - wheeeeeee! How I managed to refrain from using it for almost two whole months, I'm not sure...but I bought Forrest Gump (yea! a total classic...gotta love that movie, except when you have to write papers on it - bleh!) and The Pianist. I have never seen the latter, but I started watching it today. I'm already depressed and I'm only an hour into the movie. Then again, it is cultural, and about a musician at that! I think I will refrain from watching the rest until this weekend or so, when I will probably have to start the movie over again. Blah...
I may or may not be completely free for the whole weekend, which would be pretty sweet. I will have time to practice, do sem research, do some cleaning/organizing - or sit around and watch movies all day. For two days straight.
Incidentally...I got a crazy prank call on Friday AM...I almost wish I had been here to take the call instead of them leaving a message, because pretty sure they would have gotten totally laid into, and it would have been oh-so-much fun....
Speaking of weird phone calls/wrong numbers...
Right after I switched my phone number to a 414 area code number, I was getting a number of wrong numbers. I dunno who had this number before me, but they kinda didn't let like, any of their friends know that their number changed. From the phone calls I got, I'm guessing it was probably deliberate! Anyway, so one morning, around 8:15, my cell rang, and I thought it was my boyfriend calling before work. Not being able to see clearly (no glasses/contacts, and it WAS early), I answered without looking at the caller ID. The following conversation ensued (names that are not mine have been guessed at...)
Me: Hello?
Shenequa: Hullo, is Chaqeta there?
Me: Um, no, you've got the wrong number.
Shenequa: What?
Me: Wrong. Number.
Shenequa: Oh. Well tell Chaqeta that La'Rhonda had her baby, and blah blah blah...
Me: Um. Yeah. I'll make sure to tell her.
Shenequa: Alright. Bye now.
Me: Bye.
Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight. I wonder if Chaqeta ever found out the La'Rhonda had her baby....damn, people can be pretty stupid sometimes. :)
Oh, and don't get me started on the Ripon network and internet access. Last year, I had a very faulty port in rm 211 (port B) that would just randomly shut down about every other time I restarted my computer. Finally, after two weeks of no internet, I had Buddy come over to my room, and after playing around on my computer for a while, he came to the conclusion that there was nothing wrong with my computer, or my network cable, but that my port was faulty. The solution?? Disable and enable the port until it finally connected - which could take upwards of around 5-6 times. Gah. So I come back today to find the same thing - except it was the network this time, but I was very confused. Stupid network...and I was doubly confused because I deliberately picked Port A in this room because port B had been so faulty last year. When will the network troubles in Ripon ever stop??? I think they have been worse this year than in the last three years combined....
I've had a headache for the past three days now...it's getting to be pretty annoying. I've had to resort to taking two 500mg tylenol, and I hate tylenol. I don't know why, I just do. It never works effectively, so instead of having no headache, I've just had less of a headache. I've been getting these pretty badly for the past month or so, and I have no idea why. I've got a couple of theories, but I'm really not sure:
a-my new pill prescription (but it doesn't really make sense that this one would affect me so much, being that it has a much lower chance of side effects that the other two i had been on - but then again, knowing my luck....)
b- i'm getting addicted to caffeine again...(and not enough coke = headache)
c- that whole migraine shit has finally caught up to me (oh fuck, i've done such a successful job of avoiding them for the last 21 years)
d- stress! (the typical culprit)
e- no clue
But yeah, they're bad...Saturday I could barely get out of bed, so I just slept for most of the day. And even when I woke up, my head was still just frigging pounding - like someone was juggling bowling balls. Argh. I hope I don't have one of these on Wednesday - lemme tell ya, it'll be FUN FUN FUN to take a clarinet playing test! I can't even remember the fingerings when my head DOESN'T hurt....
Bah to headaches! Hello Aleve, Ibuprofen and Aspirin...you will be my new best friend!! :)

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