Where did the sheep get tap shoes????
Sunday, February 27, 2005
I was going to rant today about how lately I feel like I don't belong in any particular category right now in life. But sadly, that is not going to be the case right now, and goodness knows how long it will take before I have time to do that.
I downloaded Firefox yesterday, and I'm extremely pleased. I hate Netscape very much. I know Firefox is the same people, but it sucks much less than Netscape. And don't get me started on my distaste for internet explorer. So Firefox for now, hooray!
I have had a very blah day from the get-go. Choraliers had minimal attendance again today, which really eats at me. It really gives me little motivation to drag my lazy butt down to Rodman in the mornings, but I do it, so why can't other people? Granted, I cannot frown upon lateness, because I am chronically late every time, but agh.
Then we decided to bypass quintet in the key of Doom (it was not really in the key of anything, but doom seems to fit best). Which was okay, we kind of sat around and yapped for a while. Steph told me about the words she exchanged with the orchestra director (including yelling and swear words!), of which I am proud of her! So we are now going to have to compile a list of stuff we have against said director and take it to the department head. It won't do anything for this year, but it will hopefully do something for next year.
The concert itself was terrible. It ranks a close second to the spring concert in 2003 for band, because that was actually worse.
I hate hate hate hate hate hate hate this semester.
Meanwhile, this week is going to be hell. I've got a 6-8 page paper for my history class due on Monday, but I haven't started it yet, not even because I have procrastinated, but because I don't have the topic yet...not till Tuesday. I've also got to have 5-8 pages of my sem started as well - also due Monday. Ideally, I will work on the sem stuff all week, and then do the Blake paper on Sunday. But we'll see....
It's snowing. I hate snow. It's so time to be spring.
Well, now off to do nothing. Then maybe some dinner. I love being invisible.

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