Friday, February 11, 2005
Why I am a SUCKY history major :)
So...I finally finished my paper - about 25 minutes ago! Score! It was due at noon, and I was done by 11:35...which gave me enough time to spell-check, save, send to my email, change out of my PJs, go print it off in Todd Wehr, and then turn it in - WITH FIVE MINUTES TO SPARE!! YEA!!!!
So I totally tried to have the damn thing done by early-ish Thursday such luck! By 9:00, I had gotten VERY frustrated with my paper (and numerous other things), and I got invited to go out to the bars (because there's nothing like writing papers on Puritans when you're drunk...but I didn't get drunk, or even have a drink, but I guess it's the thought that I was ditching out on my homework to go to the bars!). I gave Christine instructions to call me at midnight if my ass wasn't home, but I didn't hear my cell at the bar anyway. Whoooooooooooops. So I didn't get home till 1:30 or so. And didn't start working until 3:00. Whooooooooooops again. And then I decided to take an hour long power nap at 4, and then again at 5, and then again at 6....and finally at 7, I cracked down and started working. Sort-of. Yes, I was aware that time was running out. At about 8:45 I took ANOTHER break, for an HOUR, and then realized at 10:00 that, SHIT! I had about 3-4 pages left to write, and an hour to write them.
So, I speed-wrote.
I took a bubbler break for like, 2 minutes at one point, and came back, re-read the paragraph, and asked myself where in blue hell my actual point was. So then I just wrote some more gibberish...
Needless to say my paper ended up being six pages long.
Six pages of complete, and utter COWSHIT!
Score one for me.
We'll see how the grade goes.
If I get a B, I will be thrilled. If I get higher than a B, it will just go to prove that in this particular professor's class, flaming piles of cowshit is worth more than actual hard work. :)