Wednesday, February 09, 2005
Why I never have my homework done before the last second...
So I have a paper due on Friday at noon. I set out with the aspirations of starting it last night while I was at work, but alas, after sitting in front of a computer screen with my book and the paper topic for an hour (or so), I said 'fuck it' and went about doing other pointless things (looking for a record in the resource center, looking in the card catalogue for that record only to not find it, and then looking again anyway!), practicing organ & piano (but i needed the outlet), etc, etc.
Today I set out with other aspirations of accomplishing some of the paper after I got back from Rodman this afternoon. I got back at 3:00. It's now 5:06, and I have nothing written yet, save my name, the course number, the professor's name, and the date. Yay.
Instead of writing my paper, however, I did manage to accomplish the following things in the last 2 hours (and 6 minutes):
**checked email compulsively, about every 20 minutes or so. for what? absolutely nothing of note.
**checked away messages at least twice.
**decided that i absolutely HAD to burn the baroque brass cd to my hard drive at that precise moment...
**watched two episodes of alf, one of which i had already seen half of.
**played the helicopter game.
**played fat boy raids the cookie factory.
**checked email again.
**played the hit the penguin game on sebastian's profile.
**checked the friends entries on my livejournal.
**checked my yahoo mail.
**read a story about the robertson foundation at princeton.
**listened to grillen.
**called julie to tell her i may or may not be going to band tonight, and tried to leave her my locker combination, but i could hardly remember it.
**read over the assignment and whined about it.
**debated about whether i should go to band or church.
**still debating...
**talked to jen and christine in the hallway
**looked for some more music on itunes.
**checked email again.
**WROTE THIS DAMN BLOG! *bangs head on desk*
I think I should go start now, in case I actually do go to band. Blah. :)
Maybe I'll watch some more Alf....