Where did the sheep get tap shoes????
Tuesday, March 01, 2005
American Pie!
And we have passed our clarinet exams! Huzzah! Never again do I have to squeak my way (no pun intended - mwahahaha) through that instrument!
(incidentally, I got a 100% on my written exam, and a 99% on my playing test...guess I didn't exactly fail...)
Now it's time for flute in woodwind tech. Sherri has already isolated a problem I have, which is good, because I was super bored otherwise during class. Steph and I spent a few minutes playing the easy duets we'll be doing in class. So it's good that I do have an issue with tonguing on flute, because otherwise I'd be super bored all through class.
I am deathly afraid that that will happen during oboe tech. ;) Then again, I have been playing oboe for eight years now, and I can't think of anything so deathly wrong that I won't be able to just say 'screw it' and make sure to tell my students 'do as i say, not as i do....'
Only 6.5 days left of class for me till spring break!!!! Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay! I don't have all of my break accounted for past Thursday though, any further ideas??
And then after break, only 1/16 of my college career left. Whoa.
Going to end on a non-melancholy note...
Yay it's March 1! Only a month till the Cap & Gown party! Riiiiiiiiiiiiight.
So, American Pie...
speaking of flute...
'this one time, at band camp...'
Time to do homework!

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