Where did the sheep get tap shoes????
Sunday, March 27, 2005
Back in Ripon....*yawn*
Just got back about 45 minutes ago. Sigh. I so do not want to be here. I know, the end is in sight, eh? Totally. I just don't want to have to wait until the end. I would rather read my books and watch my movies and hang out with people and not do homework!
Lunch was SO good today. God, it was fabulous to eat a good lunch for once! Yay for food! Made me miss the usual Easter gathering with my dad's family though. Oh well. It was a bitch getting up this morning though - blah!
19 days till senior sem is due!
50 days until graduation!
I know I am so ready to graduate!! Post graduation, not sure! But getting out of here - definitely. It's not that I don't like Ripon anymore...okay, I lied. I hate Ripon. But now it's not so much that I hate it, as I just don't see its appeal anymore. I'm tired of living in a town that shuts down at 11pm. I'm tired of living in a dorm and sharing my bathroom. I miss the city! I miss the excitement! I'm tired of getting paid once a month and having it all go towards cell phone bills and food and boring stuff (with the occasional movie or trip to the mall). Yes. I'm ready to be done. I will want to be back within about a month of getting done...just kidding. I hope. :)
The good news, however, is that the "Easter Bunny" brought me Ray. I'm so excited! I like getting movies about musicians, even though that makes me a nerd. In the meantime, it's Easter, hence, It's the Easter Beagle, Charlie Brown ought be watched. :)
p.s. has anyone figured out where my comment saying came from??? :)

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