Thursday, March 24, 2005
Formal Date Application Time!
Wow...last formal date application I will ever be putting out!! :( Kind of sad.
Oh well, I'm over it.
Formal is on April 2...but I need to have a date by March 30. Hence, I am submitting out formal date applications now! :)
I encourage anyone to apply. Heck, you should even apply if there is no possible chance you could go! (please specify on application). :) Applications will be reviewed on March 29 (so you have until then ... that's what, 5 days from now?) and the winner will be announced on March 30. :)
So, without any further adieu...
Formal Date Application for Lauren - Spring 2005
1. Full Name:
2. Age:
3. Zodiac Sign (some are more compatible than others, but will not affect outcome):
4. Occupation/Job/Schooling (one or more please):
5. Reasons you would like to go to formal?
6. Reasons you would like to go to formal with Lauren?
7. Do you like to dance, or do you prefer to sit around talking and drinking?
8. Can you actually go to formal? (will not affect outcome):
For questions 5 and 6, please submit no more than 8 sentences. :)
Please submit by Tuesday, March 29, 2005 at 11:59 CST