Friday, March 25, 2005
I was becoming more and more frustrated with Ripon I deemed the best therapy to leave. Not permanently (even for the weekend) yet, but temporarily. Soon I found myself on Hwy 49 heading towards Berlin. I had all intention of driving to Redgranite by way of the back roads, but I was detained in Berlin by my need for laundry detergent as well as the ever-growing price of gas. Laundry detergent, Easter card, and R-rated movie M*A*S*H (yes, the movie!) in hand, I approached the checkout. It must have been M*A*S*H that wouldn't scan until I proved I was of age - age being 17. 17???? I can totally sympathize with the cashier, but do I really look only 17??? Last I checked, I was 21, and I'll be 22 in *checks calendar - lol* 3.5 months! Groan. Talk about a downer. :)
I was ready to go home after church tonight, but I'm letting Travis' girlfriend Claudi stay with me tonight, so, no home. But, that's okay. Even though I miss my bed!! And, of course, my cats, especially my poor little scrawny Bear. God, she's getting so old. I *heart* my kitty!
Oh, and happy Easter, in advance. Cheers to this one already being better than last year! :) I'm headed back to Shorewood tomorrow AM - hooray! My parents better cook for me this weekend, last weekend when I was at home, I made two of my meals, we went to Oakland Trattoria for one (no complaints), and the last one was sandwiches. BLAH! :)
I'm still bummed about the Panthers losing (damn you Tom!), but GO BADGERS!!! At least one of my Wisconsin teams is going to the Elite Eight...nevertheless, I'm more sentimentally tied to UWM, being that I have lived about 10 blocks away for much of my life. :) Oh well.
Anyway, submit your formal date application (see below)!!! :) Teehee!